Australian police said a knife attack at a church service in Sydney, which left at least four people injured, including a bishop with a global online following, would be considered a terrorist attack.
On Monday, police arrested a boy at the scene of the attack, which took place in a church in the suburb of Wakley, about 30 kilometers west of Sydney city centre.
Earlier on Monday, media groups, including Reuters, published a new video about the moment of an attempt to control the teenager who stabbed a priest in a church west of Sydney, where he heard screams in Arabic.
On Monday, police and witnesses said at least four people, including a bishop and a priest, were injured in an accident at a church in a Sydney suburb.
Australian police confirmed the arrest of a 15-year-old man who came to the altar of an Assyrian church and began stabbing Bishop Mar Mary Emmanuel, which caused panic among the worshipers who started screaming.
Amidst the commotion, several worshipers rushed for cover while others tried to control the attacker during the incident at the Church of the Good Shepherd in the suburb of Weakley, towards the west Sydney.
A small group of Assyrian Christians live in this community, and a large number of them fled persecution and war in Iraq and Syria, according to Agence France-Presse.
A video clip circulated on social media and published by Reuters showed worshipers trying to stabilize the attacker, appearing to speak to him in Arabic.
#Australian #Police #Sydney #church #attack #terrorist #attack
2024-04-16 00:18:15