Home » News » As of today, the CEC is registering parties and coalitions for June 9 – 2024-04-15 03:58:37

As of today, the CEC is registering parties and coalitions for June 9 – 2024-04-15 03:58:37

Registration for the June 9 election has begun

Starting today, the Central Election Commission accepts documents for registration of parties and coalitions. The political formations will register to participate in the elections for members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Bulgaria and for deputies. The elections are scheduled for June 9, 2024. The information is from the CEC website, BTA reported.

The acceptance of the documents will take place every working day from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the building of the National Assembly, “Knyaz Alexander I” square No. 1, in the lobby, “Largo” entrance.

The deadline for submitting an application for CEC registration of parties and coalitions is until 5:00 p.m. on April 24, 2024.

The application must also be accompanied by a list of the names, the uniform civil number and handwritten signature of no less than 2,500 voters supporting the registration for the relevant type of election. In cases where a party or coalition declares participation in both types of elections, it can submit a list containing the names, the uniform citizenship number and handwritten signatures of no less than 2,500 voters – Bulgarian citizens who have electoral rights to vote in the elections for members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Bulgaria.

Each voter can participate in only one list for the respective type of election or only in one list – common to both types of elections. When placing his signature on the list, the voter certifies his identity.

The registration of the party for participation in the elections for members of the European Parliament from the Republic of Bulgaria can also be supported by voters who are citizens of another member state of the European Union, and the lists indicate the names, the personal number, the number of the residence certificate, the date of registration , specified in it, and signature.

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