(ANSA) – MILAN, APRIL 12 – In Milan in view of April 25th there is controversy between the Jewish Brigade and Anpi over the slogan chosen for the national demonstration, ‘Ceasefire everywhere’ but the mayor Giuseppe Sala invites us to tone it down. “Yesterday I saw the president of the ANPI of Milan Primo Minelli and he will try to emphasize the republican and anti-fascist value of April 25th. We start from there – he explained on the sidelines of a press conference -. Then there is a bit of controversy on this ‘Ceasefire’ banner which, however, is a declaration that everyone makes, even the Pope. This is why I invited the Jewish Brigade not to contest the matter.” According to Minelli, those of the Jewish Brigade on the banner “are controversies that have no reason to exist, because the main slogan of the demonstration will be W the anti-fascist republic because it is the day dedicated to anti-fascism, then on the topic of war everyone will have their opinion” . “Mayor Sala is right – added Minelli -, these are instrumental controversies. I believe he is right, we must be united, it must be a day of celebration of the Liberation, then each of us will have the opportunity to say what we deem appropriate about the war and peace. I agree with the mayor’s line of dampening down any controversy.” (HANDLE).
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– 2024-04-13 00:11:01