Home » Business » How to Understand and Celebrate Eid al-Fitr in France: Absences from Work and Religious Holidays Explained

How to Understand and Celebrate Eid al-Fitr in France: Absences from Work and Religious Holidays Explained

Understanding Eid al-Fitr #

This year, it took place on Wednesday April 10 in France.

It is a joyful occasion for families to get together, share hearty meals, oriental pastries and almond cookies.

Absence from work to celebrate Eid el-Fitr #

Many Muslim employees may wish to take time off work during this day to celebrate with their loved ones. But is this allowed?

Read Here are the details on the end of Ramadan 2024: find out what Eid ul-Fitr is and how it is celebrated

The labor code does not explicitly provide for leave for a religious holiday. However, an employee can be absent if he obtains authorization from his employer.

Civil service and days off for religious holidays #

The situation is different for civil servants. A 2012 ministerial circular authorizes the absence of a day for a religious festival, provided that this does not hinder the normal functioning of the service.

Muslim holidays such as Eid ul-Adha, al-Mawlid Ennabi and Eid ul-Fitr are included in this list.

Religious holidays and absences in the public service #

It is not only Muslim holidays that are affected by this circular. Civil servants can also be absent for Catholic and Protestant, Orthodox, Jewish or Buddhist holidays.

Read Discover Eid-el-Fitr: a celebration of joy and sharing among Muslims and why it is not identical to Eid-el-Kébir

Holidays such as Theophany, Great Good Friday, Ascension, Shavuot, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur or Vesak are also included.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of these festivals:

  • Theophany
  • Great Good Friday
  • Ascension
  • Chavoot
  • Roch Hachana
  • Yom Kippur
  • Vesak Festival

Finally, it is important to remember that tolerance and respect for everyone’s beliefs are fundamental values.

Every employer has a duty to respect the religious freedom of its employees. It is also crucial to remember that cultural and religious diversity is an asset to our society.

It promotes open-mindedness, mutual understanding and interreligious dialogue. So, if an employee wishes to be absent for a religious holiday, dialogue with the employer is essential in order to find a solution that respects the rights and obligations of everyone.

2024-04-10 09:04:29
#Eid #ulFitr #absent #work #Ramadan #ends #editorial #team #answers

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