Home » World » Amanda Lind can become the new mouthpiece for MP – united front with Daniel Helldén

Amanda Lind can become the new mouthpiece for MP – united front with Daniel Helldén

Published 2024-04-07 19.31



Amanda Lind looks set to become the Green Party’s new spokesperson.

And she shows a united front with colleague Daniel Helldén.

– It would be good now if we can get two mouthpieces in place that can be there for a longer period, she tells Aftonbladet.

  • Amanda Lind is likely to be the Green Party’s new female spokesperson, after being voted in by the selection committee. The confirmation is expected through a vote at the party congress in April.
  • Amanda Lind aims to express the party’s role in climate policy while at the same time underlining the importance of a fair social transition.
  • Amanda Lind also emphasizes the importance of stability and long-termism in the party’s leadership structure.

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The Green Party’s selection committee has voted for former culture minister Amanda Lind as female spokesperson. But before she is crowned, a vote awaits at the party congress at the end of April.

Internal sources have told Aftonbladet that two phalanxes have been created in the party. One wants to become slimmer and focus on the climate – that’s where Daniel Helldén belongs. The other wants to prepare the party and embrace social issues – that is where the former spokeswoman Märta Stenevi belonged.

Amanda Lind is now expected to take Märta Stenevi’s place. And she shows a united front with Daniel Helldén.

– We must continue to be clear about the climate policy that is needed to reduce emissions. But we must also show how the transition can be done fairly, says Amanda Lind.

She says that she is looking forward to a collaboration with Daniel Helldén.

– He has made a good start as a mouthpiece. I appreciate his directness and clarity.


full screenAmanda Lind hopes to lead the Green Party for a longer period together with Daniel Helldén. Photo: Jimmy Wixtröm

“Shares the party’s view”

However, Daniel Helldén has previously said that he wants the narrower line.

– I do not share the view that that is what he has said. That we should have sharp communication about the environment and climate, yes – but we share the party’s view that this should be done in a fair way and that we should have other issues to communicate.

These issues are, for example, safe welfare, working for people’s well-being, and looking after nature policy and biological diversity, explains Amanda Lind.

Lately it has been stormy within the party. Daniel Helldén was chosen as male spokesperson last winter and the relationship with Märta Stenevi has been described as strained. In February, she resigned due to health problems.

“Lead in many choices”

In a first interview after the selection committee’s decision, Amanda Lind is called Märta Stenevi by a reporter.

– There is no danger, but it would be good now if we can get two mouthpieces in place that can be there for a longer period. If I become spokesperson, I aim to lead the party in many future elections, says Amanda Lind.

The last mouthpiece process was a bit of a storm, how was this one?

– I have had two fantastic co-candidates, it has been a fun process. It has been a good atmosphere and it will be until the extra congress.

Are you targeting government now?

– Yes of course. We need to sit in all the rooms where decisions are made and influence politics. And we do that best in government, says Amanda Lind.

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