CNN reports, citing Alicia Neal, a spokesperson for the Dora, Florida, US police department, that one security guard and one attacker were killed, and seven others were injured, including one police officer. from the shooting incident After a quarrel broke out among customers of an entertainment venue called Martini Bar in Miami-Dade County at 3:30 a.m. today (7:30 a.m.) April 2024) local time The police are in the process of investigating the cause of the shooting.
Miami-Dade County Sheriff Alvaro Zabaleta said the attacker pulled a gun and shot the bar’s security guard dead. While security officers were trying to quell a quarrel in the bar, additional police who were in charge of security at the entertainment venue where the incident occurred Enter the scene of the incident Confront the villain in which both the criminals and the police fought with each other. The criminal died Meanwhile, six tourists (5 men and 1 woman) and a policeman were injured. All were taken to a nearby hospital in stable condition about five miles west of Miami.
#Violence in the United States
#Shooting #Florida #USA #dead #injured
2024-04-07 11:01:29