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Annunciation April 7, 2024: the meaning and traditions of the holiday, what you can and cannot do

Dmitry Kandinsky / vtomske.ru

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a Christian holiday associated with the news of the imminent birth of Christ. The Annunciation is always celebrated on one date – April 7. What is the meaning of this holiday and what, according to beliefs, can and cannot be done on this day – in the material vtomske.ru.

The meaning of the holiday

The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is an evangelical event and a Christian holiday in memory of the day when the Archangel Gabriel brought the Virgin Mary the news of the upcoming birth of the son of God.

The holiday falls during Lent. According to the church charter, those fasting on April 7 are allowed to eat boiled food with vegetable oil, as well as wine and fish.

Lent 2024: nutrition calendar by day, foods, what you can and cannot eat and do

The appearance of Gabriel to Mary is described by the Evangelist Luke as follows: “Rejoice, full of grace! – said Gabriel. – The Lord is with you! Blessed are You among women.” According to a number of theologians, the words “Rejoice, O Full of Grace” became the first “good” news for humanity after the Fall.

The modern name of the holiday “Annunciation” came into use no earlier than the 7th century. Before this, the church designated it in different ways: “Day of Salutation,” “Annunciation,” “Salutation to Mary,” “Conception of Christ,” “Beginning of Redemption,” and so on.

The full name of the holiday in Orthodoxy is: Annunciation of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

The Catholic Church, Protestant denominations (and a number of other churches) celebrate Good News Day on March 25th. For both Orthodox and Catholics, exactly nine months pass between the Annunciation and Christmas (January 7 or December 25). This is the period during which a woman carries a child.

The coincidence of the Annunciation and Easter is called Kyriopascha, but this happens extremely rarely. The last time was in 1991. And the next Kiriopascha will happen only in 2075.


On Annunciation, festive services are held in churches. Priests wear blue vestments – this shade is a symbol of the Virgin Mary. During the service, the essence of the holiday and the appearance of an angel to Mary are told.

It has been a long-standing custom to release birds on this day. Larks, pigeons, titmice and other forest birds were caught, put in cages, and then symbolically released into the sky in front of a large crowd of people. For example, in the market square. People believed that birds released into the wild would become intercessors for a person before God, “ask for the one” who gave them freedom.

The people also perceived the holiday of the Annunciation as a symbol of the arrival of spring. Therefore, traditions on this day are associated with future crops. So, the peasants illuminated the prepared grain: they placed an icon next to it and said a prayer for the granting of the harvest.

What you can and cannot do on the day of the Annunciation

According to beliefs, on the Annunciation it is not recommended to engage in heavy physical labor, cleaning the house, doing laundry, or washing windows unless absolutely necessary. Cooking possible.

Believers are convinced that conflicts and quarrels on the day of good news can lead to misfortune and sorrow that will haunt a person for a long time. Therefore, on this day peace and harmony should reign in the family. It is recommended to visit relatives and close friends on April 7.

The Annunciation is the time to bring good news. Therefore, on this day, charitable activities and donations to help those in need are encouraged.

It is believed that on this day you cannot borrow or lend, otherwise, according to the sign, money will not be available all year.

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