Home » World » Congress approves reforms to the IRTRA Law, Guatemalans have these benefits – Publinews – 2024-04-07 08:32:42

Congress approves reforms to the IRTRA Law, Guatemalans have these benefits – Publinews – 2024-04-07 08:32:42

This day in the plenary session of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, Decree 9-2024 was approved with the favorable vote of 131 deputies, which contains various modifications and strengthens the Law of the Workers’ Recreation Institute (IRTRA).

The proposal was taken up by the current legislature and, among other aspects, provides a specific regime to the Board of Directors of the institution to directly contract the works, goods and services necessary for the maintenance of its amusement parks.

According to the proposed law, the Institute will issue its members a card, at no cost to them, that will allow them to enjoy the benefits provided by the Institution.


Furthermore, it establishes that the President of the Board of Directors is the legal representative of the lrtra. And finally, it indicates that the Institute will be subject to the control and supervision of the Comptroller General of Accounts.

With the approval of the reforms to the Law Creating IRTRA, the innovation of recreational centers will be improved and will continue, which serve private initiative workers and Guatemalans who visit the facilities.

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