On Friday evening, April 5, Russian telegram channels began writing about this. Actually, the disaster was caused by the Ural River: the city of Orsk is located in the Orenburg region, – Channel 24 reports.
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Dam break in Orsk: what is known
As Russian information resources write, local authorities began evacuating local residents as water began to flood houses. In total, about 4 thousand private houses, where about 10 thousand people live, may be affected.
Private houses in Orsk are flooded with water: watch videos from telegram publics
The emergency situation was caused by a sharp melting of snow, an increase in water levels in the Ural River and the Iriklinsky reservoir, which discharged almost 2.5 thousand cubic meters of water per second. Telegram channels also reported that a state of emergency was introduced in Orenburg and Orsk on April 5.
A dam broke in the Orenburg region: watch video from Russian media
Russians are leaving Orsk with families and taking things out in cars and evacuation buses. Some are moving to relatives, others to prepared temporary accommodation centers. The media noted that in the relevant area all drinking water in stores was sold out.
Evacuation of Russians from Orsk: watch videos from telegram channels
Important! When the dam began to break through, they tried to fill it up. However, nothing came of it. The dam protected the old city – the historical part of Orsk. Actually, the settlement is divided into two districts: the old and the new city.
There are more and more problems in Russia
- In total, Moscow could spend $132 billion on the war against Ukraine by the end of 2024, according to The Economist. This is a huge amount that could be used to meet the needs of ordinary Russian citizens suffering due to emergencies and insecurity.
- The same terrorist attack at Crocus near Moscow, which occurred a few weeks ago, was caused by the poor work of the Kremlin intelligence services, which were too focused on Ukraine and did not notice that the Islamists would sharpen their swords.
- In addition, during the winter of 2023 and 2024, numerous reports appeared that in different regions of Russia people had problems with heating, pipes and other utilities. Experts noted the labor shortage caused by the war and the mobilization announced by Putin.