The United States government asked the Mexican government to review the alleged denial of labor rights in a mine majority owned by Industrias Peñoles in the center of the Latin American country, the US Department of Labor reported this Wednesday.
The request responds to a petition presented at the beginning of March by the Los Mineros union, alleging that Industrias Peñoles PEOLES.MX violated the union and collective freedom of workers, as well as their bargaining rights at Minera Tizapa, located in the State of Mexico. .
“Actions that prevent workers from being represented by the union of their choice are a direct attack on freedom of association and collective bargaining rights,” the US Department of Labor’s Deputy Undersecretary for International Affairs, Thea, said in a statement. Read.
Washington’s request is part of the Quick Response Labor Mechanism of the T-MEC, a dispute resolution procedure of the trade agreement in force since 2020 between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
In operation since 1994, Tizapa produces three types of concentrates: lead, zinc and copper, according to Industrias Peñoles on its website, where it details that it owns 51 percent of the mine, while Dowa Mining has 39 and Sumitomo Corporation the remaining.
According to the Mexican company, Tizapa is among the four most important zinc mines in the country and employs 586 workers. The concentrates produced from this mineral are sent to Japan for treatment.
The Mexican government has 10 days to decide whether to conduct a review and 45 days to investigate the claims and present its conclusions, the US Department of Labor added.
#asks #Mexico #review #labor #violations #Peñoles
– 2024-04-05 20:41:20