Home » News » No-shows for appointments and more. The doctor explained in what cases Belarusians may lose benefits while on sick leave

No-shows for appointments and more. The doctor explained in what cases Belarusians may lose benefits while on sick leave

The chief physician of Gomel City Clinic No. 9, Anna Ermolaeva, listed the cases in which a patient on sick leave can be recorded for violating the regime. The doctor’s comment was quoted by the Belka portal.

Ermolaeva noted that clinics follow regulations that indicate in which cases a patient can be charged with violating hospital regulations.

“Going to a store, pharmacy or even a cafe does not fall under this definition. The doctor has the right to make a record of violation of the hospital regime if the patient did not show up for an appointment or a meeting of the medical advisory commission at the appointed time, did not follow the instructions, or consumed alcohol or drugs,” – told head physician

By the way, refusal to undergo an examination if doctors suspect the use of alcohol or drugs will also result in a note on the certificate of incapacity for work. Traveling abroad while on sick leave will also be a violation of the regime.

“That’s why, when applying for a certificate of temporary incapacity for work, the clinic employee asks to see your passport. He is obliged to check whether the document contains notes about traveling abroad,” the doctor added.

By the way, a patient being treated in a hospital may be charged with violating hospital regulations for leaving the institution without permission or for refusing an examination, which makes it difficult to diagnose the disease.

In case of such violations, the temporary disability benefit is reduced to 50% of the amount.

Telegraf.news previously reported that working grandparents of a child may be given a sick leave certificate if the parents are unable to care for them. However, there is a nuance: if the mother is on maternity leave at this moment, then the relatives will not receive sick leave.

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