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Promoting Cultural Education in Wiesbaden: Apply for Funding for Innovative Projects

Projects are intended to arouse curiosity, impart knowledge about art and culture and promote active engagement with cultural issues.

Since 2021, Wiesbaden has been actively involved in the Promoting cultural education at his schools. In February, an expert committee evaluated the applications for the fifth round of funding. Ten of the sixteen applications received were approved.

Schools can apply from April 15th

These funds are also available again for the 2024/2025 school year. From Monday, April 15th, schools will have the opportunity to apply for projects that are scheduled to begin in the first half of the coming school year. Applications are submitted via the municipal application portal Fundgarden accepted. The application deadline ends on June 15thand an expert jury will decide on the award in June.

Schools and cultural institutions work together

Projects are funded that take place in close collaboration between schools of all grades and school types in Wiesbaden as well as cultural institutions, cultural associations or freelance artists. Active participation of students in the conception of ideas is particularly desirable. The funded projects must correspond to the basic principles of cultural education by conveying artistic expressions that are based on the interests and realities of life of the students.

Innovative projects in focus

A particular focus is on the innovation and enrichment of the projects, even if they take place as part of or build on regular lessons. Follow-up funding is possible up to two times. The projects can be designed as workshops, project weeks, working groups or excursions. The goal is to enable children and young people to actively participate in cultural and artistic topics.

Submit projects

Applications for smaller projects with a financial framework of up to 800 euros can be submitted at any time using the corresponding form on the digital application portal. Further information and the funding guidelines can be found on the official website of the city of Wiesbaden.

Take advantage of the opportunity to actively shape and promote cultural education in Wiesbaden!

Photo above ©2022 LH Wiesbaden

More news from the Central district read here.

More Information and funding guidelines can be found at www.wiesbaden.de.

2024-04-04 22:21:08
#Cultural #education #Funding #schools #announced #Wiesbaden #alive

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