Jitka Hrušková
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Opava is preparing landscaping on Horní náměstí, Mezi Trhy Street, Dolní náměstí and around the train station.
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Opava will turn green again. | Photo: courtesy of the city of Opava
Can you help the police? We are looking for witnesses to the traffic accident in Malé Hoštice
“When we started to deal with the public space of the city center, we thought that we would plant new trees in the ground and let them grow and become powerful there. The problem was, however, that there are a number of utilities under the surface of the pavement, which do not allow us to plant trees. They could be damaged by growing roots and eventually crash,” explained the chief architect of the city of Opava, Petr Stanjura.
Mobile planters, which are also used abroad, were chosen as a replacement option. According to the town hall, this is a more modern and functional system. Part of the new containers will allow the roots to grow through and nourish the tree with soil moisture. The special film ensures that the trees will not damage the water or gas distribution systems as they grow. They are mainly used for larger trees, such as sycamores. Additional planters will allow space variability, as they will be portable.