‘Hiogen’With Seba’s innovative pandemic pneumonia vaccine, With the unique excipient ImmuVant and the latest mycoplasma field strain,[1] It was created to effectively prevent epidemic pneumonia by inducing a strong immune response with just one dose.can do.
Pandemic pneumonia and vaccination
‘Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M.hyoEpidemic pneumonia (EP) caused by ‘)’ is a respiratory disease that causes enormous economic losses in the pig farming industry due to reduced body weight gain, increased feed requirement, and increased chemical usage in pigs. In particular, in the case of severe epidemic pneumonia, a loss of 5.7 pounds (9,620 won) per pig can occur (Brurch 2007).
In this situation, epidemic pneumonia vaccination is known to be an effective preventive measure against epidemic pneumonia (Maes 2008). Mycoplasma (M.hyo), when uninfected pigs come into contact with infected pigs, colonization of the lungs cannot be completely prevented by vaccination, but vaccinated individuals have significantly fewer clinical symptoms and fewer lung lesions than unvaccinated individuals. appear. Therefore, a low lung lesion score in slaughtered pigs is an important indicator of the effectiveness of vaccination.
Pigs that are properly protected through vaccination have less damage from lung lesions and can grow stably. Although the exact mechanism of epidemic pneumonia prevention has not yet been fully elucidated, both humoral immunity and cellular immunity are believed to play an important role in controlling epidemic pneumonia (Thacker 2000a, Okada 2000).
Hyogen and its excipient ‘Imuvant’
Ceva’s Hyogen can prevent epidemic pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in pigs with just one vaccination. Ceva developed Hyogen with the goal of providing the best protection against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection in pig farms.
Hyogen’s innovation is based on Seba’s unique excipient, ‘ImuvantTM’.Do it as Immuvant is composed of non-toxic lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from J5 E. coli and mineral oil in water. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) plays a role in stimulating the innate immune system, which is important in the first defense mechanism against infection. The interaction between LPS of J5 E. coli and toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) of macrophages initiates inflammatory signals, leading to the production and secretion of cytokines and the activation of other immune cells. Additionally, toll-like receptor (TLR) signaling also influences the initiation of adaptive immune responses through stimulation of antigen-presenting cells that produce proteins that activate naive CD4 T cells, which are important for humoral immune responses and antibody production.
In addition, Hyogen improves antigen uptake by antigen-presenting cells because the lipoprotein antigens of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae are bound to the aqueous/oily interface of the oil-in-water solution of the excipient Immuvant. ImmunoVant strongly stimulates both the innate and adaptive immune systems, resulting in a high level of protection against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae.It allows you to obtain.
Efficacy of Hyogen
The efficacy of Hyogen, with its innovative excipient Immuvant, has been proven not only through challenge inoculation experiments in the laboratory but also through numerous tests under field conditions. Immunity was stimulated quickly and effectively after Hyogen vaccination, and humoral and cell-mediated immunity increased significantly even two weeks after the first Hyogen vaccination (Figures 2 and 3).
immune response
Through this effective and rapid immune response, pigs are protected from attack by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae within 17 days after Hyogen vaccination (Figure 4).
▲ Figure 5. Comparison of lung lesion scores between the Hyogen vaccinated group and the control group (Herczeg 2011a)
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M.hyo) is recommended to be vaccinated from 3 weeks of age.and this is Protect piglets against potential risk of early infectionmake it possible However, epidemic pneumonia is generally known to colonize late, and mainly affects finishing pigs. Therefore, the immune system must be well stimulated by the vaccine so that pigs can be protected even if exposed to Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae long after vaccination.
In a test in which 3-week-old pigs were challenged 25 weeks after Hyogen vaccination, Hyogen was used against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae (M.hyo) showed effective protection against infection (Figure 6). The Hyogen vaccination group had 5.2 times more IFNγ-producing cells and high titers of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae-specific antibodies at the time of challenge, and received a rapid boost after challenge.It has been done. This shows that the immunological memory induced by Hyogen is long-lasting.
Advantages of Hyogen
When pigs are exposed to epidemic pneumonia, the pigs’ respiratory system remains healthier when Hyogen is used than when a competitor’s vaccine is used, because of Hyogen’s latest field antigen and excipient Immuvant. This was proven in a comparative test with competitors’ one-shot pandemic pneumonia vaccines that are currently widely used in pig farms. As measured by the lung lesion score, Hyogen provided much stronger protection than competing vaccines (Tenk 2012).
Pandemic pneumonia infection can have a significant impact on the growth of pigs. Therefore, an important aspect is how much weight gain can be improved through vaccination. As a result of measuring the body weight of pigs from 11 to 24 weeks of age during an experiment conducted on a farm where Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae was circulating, it was found that pigs inoculated with Hyogen gained an average of 34g more (Figure 8).
Pneumonia, one of the representative wasting diseases, can be prevented without much difficulty by using an effective vaccine. Since epidemic pneumonia may have different infection patterns at each farm, immunity must be induced quickly and strongly after vaccination, and vaccine protection must last for a long time to ensure that pigs are sufficiently protected until the end of shipment.
Hyogen is Ceva’s innovative pandemic pneumonia vaccine. It is made with a unique excipient, Immuvant, and an antigen derived from the latest Mycoplasma field strain, and induces a strong immune response with just one vaccination, effectively preventing epidemic pneumonia.can do. Pigs inoculated with Immuvant-applied Hyogen induce faster and stronger humoral and cell-mediated immunity.become, Results showed that there were fewer lung lesions compared to the competitor vaccination group and that the pigs gained 34g more than the non-vaccinated pigs.The excellent efficacy of Hyogen was proven through .
Hyogen® with ImuvantTM – Superior Protection Against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection, By Dr. Roman KREJCI, Swine Corporate Technical Manage, Ceva Animal Health, AXIS MAGAZINE
[1] Ceva’s latest Mycoplasma field strain: BA 2940-99 (derived from a strain that has caused significant clinical and pathological problems in the United States)
[2] ELISPOT: Enzyme Linked ImmunoSpot, a measurement method to detect and quantify cells secreting specific antibodies or proteins
2024-04-03 13:02:50
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