Pippa Laukka, the expert doctor of the program You Are What You Eat, advised in Iltalehti’s Hyvä Olo magazine how permanent weight loss can be achieved when the goal is to lose a couple of kilos.

Pippa Laukka advises ten important tips that can help you lose a couple of kilos. Rosa Bröijer
Often people feel that they need to “lighten up” a couple of kilos, for example for health reasons. Sports doctor Pippa Laukka works as an expert doctor for the Olet tä söt program. The concrete advice he gives will help you get started. The tips are simple but effective.
Pippa Laukka previously told in Iltalehti’s story that she herself lives a very active life. He talked about his own goals as a fitness person and as a person.
Lately, he has felt it important to train his muscles as well, because muscle mass decreases significantly every year with age. Aerobic exercise and everyday exercise do not help fight against muscle loss.
Currently, in the Olet what you eat program, people improve their food and exercise habits Joona Hellman, Vilma Karjalainen, Kimmo Vehviläinen, Riina-Maija Palander, Toni Nieminen, Eva Vekki, Eero Herranen and Minea Blomqvist-Second. The program comes from MTV3.
Pippa Laukka previously told in Iltalehti’s story that she herself lives a very active life. Rosa Bröijer
Pippa Laukka, the expert doctor of the program You Are What You Eat, advised in Iltalehti’s Hyvä Olo magazine how permanent weight loss can be achieved when the goal is to lose a couple of kilos. Rosa Bröijer
1. Train nearby
Choose a training place that is close to your home or along your commute. In this way, it is easier to embed training into everyday life.
2. Set a health goal
Is the goal to increase steps per day? Starting a new sport experiment? To cope with everyday life? It’s easier to lose a few kilos with a concrete health goal.
3. Identify your own exercise rhythm
Anticipate and think about when you have the best time to exercise. Do you prefer to exercise in the morning or in the evening? Mark your calendar in advance because you are going to train.
4. Be realistic
A sure way to ruin your enthusiasm for training is to block your calendar and realize that you don’t have time. So don’t go about your daily routine. There must be enough space in the calendar for recovery as well.
5. Consider the brain
The brain needs genuine recovery so that you can cope better in everyday life and be motivated by exercise instead of your cell phone. If necessary, reduce the use of devices and social media.
6. Eat in peace
According to research, obese people have more challenges with weight management. Learn to eat in peace and see what goes in your mouth.
7. Forget the scale
Stop staring at the scale when you want to improve your lifestyle and lose weight. Rather, observe how regular exercise improves coping in everyday life.
8. Start easy
Don’t set the bar too far. Start by moving for one week and then the next, or start by jogging once a week.
9. Find your thing
Choose a sport that genuinely interests you. In the study, it was noticed that the research group that practiced the chosen sport also started to eat healthily compared to the group that was assigned the sport.
10. Don’t be afraid
Accept the unpredictability of life and challenge yourself. Also, be kind to yourself.
Researched information
Lifestyles must be changed permanently if the goal is permanent weight loss.
If the weight comes back, the health benefits of losing weight are lost.
Limiting what you eat is almost never enough to achieve permanent weight control.
When a certain weight is reached in the long term with lifestyle changes in which the amount of food is not limited, and the lifestyle does not change, the weight does not increase again either.
Source: Heart Association
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