Synopsis: Lao Chan A romantic drama from the producer Eknaree Wachirabanjong and directed by Thanakorn Poshyanont about the story of Chao Laochan Phukhamwong or Lao Chan Phanthewa and M.L. Phuthanet Jutathep or Khun Phu, the eldest son of M.R. Ratchanon and Chao Soi Fa, starring Gulf Kanawut and Gina Gina, broadcast every Friday, Saturday, Sunday at 8:20 p.m., Channel 3 Press. 33 starting 8 March on Channel 3, the story of Lao Chan EP.10 Solving the mystery of the Achanachakra necklace at Wiang Phu Kham
Synopsis of Lao Chan Episode 10
Phuthanet (Gulf Kanawut) with Laorchan (Gina Gina) Including Prince Satarasami (Smith Pasawit) Together they search for the truth from old notebooks. The purpose is to bring The Third Eye Sapphire which is in the Achanachakra necklace. Returned to decorate above the head of Phraya Trinait as before, with Tharathorn (Por Nattawut) and Ronnapoom (Saint Supaphong) Come join the group to solve the mystery of the Achanachakra Necklace at Wiang Phu Kham. and found a mysterious clue that would lead to an ancient temple The mission journey has begun.
Follow the drama Lao Chan EP.10 Friday, March 29, 2024. Broadcast every Friday, Saturday, Sunday at 8:20 p.m., Channel 3, press 33.