Home » Business » Russia needs victory in the economic war – 2024-03-17 06:13:43

Russia needs victory in the economic war – 2024-03-17 06:13:43

/ world today news/ This summer in Moscow, you will not easily find a free seat in the cafes and restaurants. Waiters don’t bend a leg. People come for breakfast, lunch, cocktails, dinner, jazz, reggae and ethno soul funk (don’t ask me what it is), dance and then have breakfast again. The picture is similar in other Russian cities. In St. Petersburg – there in general … “in St. Petersburg – to drink.”

But what about the mobilization, many will be outraged. Is it patriotic to dance and drink cappuccino on the porch in the middle of a special operation? But it seems to me personally that the global confrontation that is taking place today, in which we are all involved – whether we like it or not – is unfolding on many fronts. And one of the most important is the economic front.

It is a healthy economy that ensures the stability of the state, the stable development of society. We have many monuments to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, but it is a pity that there is no monument to Comrade Beria, who organized the evacuation of industries to the east on an unthinkable scale. It was a large-scale restructuring of the entire industrial production of the country. It would collapse and the Soviet Union would have nothing to fight with. Citizens had nowhere to work, nothing to eat. Factories would shut down. Everything would collapse even before the arrival of the Nazi hordes. That’s how the economy works.

Crowded cafes and beaches in Sochi are good news from the global economic war front. But there are also bad ones. Preparing a student for school this year costs at least 15 percent more than last year. The numbers vary by region, but the average is somewhere between 13.5 thousand. It’s a lot. It’s practically a minimum wage. What if there are two students in the family?

Manufacturers are spouting the very excuses we already know by heart: logistics, pandemic, sanctions, imports have become more expensive. Okay, we got it. We pass a large chain store. In many positions, it is directly visible how both the chain and the producers, gritting their teeth, are trying to hold down prices. Backpacks have practically not increased in price since last year, the simplest sneakers (China is our everything) have increased in price by ten percent – no more.

The 48-sheet notebooks – the most preferred by high school students – can be found at almost last year’s prices. But 12-sheet notebooks are four times more expensive than last August. Eight rubles instead of two. Isn’t that speculation? What else should we call it?

A wooden ruler, an old acquaintance of local production, the same one depicting three musketeers, costs a quite normal 17 rubles. And next to her is her brother, the wooden triangle, made in the same factory, for 75 rubles. Why?

We have basic food products whose prices are controlled by the state. It probably makes sense to put the same tape on school supplies and make it faster. Notebooks there, backpacks, pencils, diaries, those triangles if they are not right.

When it comes to school uniform, then generally the big question is why is it necessary. It’s August, the sale season, big stores are giving away clothes for next to nothing. And parents are forced to wander around specialized stores, where they are forced to pay several thousand for a pair of elegant shoes, for a “uniform” vest, shirt or dress.

Perhaps school administrations should somehow tone down their fervor with this uniform? It’s not really clear why it’s necessary. The local manufacturer? Well, then manufacturers should be prohibited from speculating. After all, a few months will pass and the same “uniform” dresses and shirts will be given away at huge discounts and no one will take them.

Before September 1st, we have a seasonal peak demand, similar to what they do in the West for Christmas. Here, of course, parents should also turn their heads. Very often, the desire for the child to have the most magnificent bouquet on September 1 prevails over all reasonable considerations. Sometimes, for the sake of bouquets, they even take out loans.

I wish there was less of that. The child is not a Prada bag, you should not flaunt its appearance so wildly. The bouquets will wilt, and then you’ll have to pay for the show for months.

In general, school is not a place for ostentatious consumption. Our school is free from propaganda of any sexual perversion and that is excellent. It would be great if user perversions were not allowed here. It would be nice for children to live longer in their children’s world and not worry about how much it costs.

Gradually, people begin to realize the senselessness of the luxurious graduation parties, the huge bouquets, some gifts from the school administration, suspiciously resembling bribes. During the coronavirus lockdown, all proms were canceled altogether and, I must say, no one died from it. Many parents then breathed a sigh of relief.

Today, a wonderful fashion has appeared in many schools: instead of the traditional bouquet, the teacher transfers money to charity. It would be nice to come up with something similar with proms, otherwise this stupid fad has even reached kindergartens.

And yes, another eternal September 1st theme. You won’t believe it, but parents with experience in blackmail have a simple method of operation. Now I will share them.

I will just note that many of the problems of our school are in the minds of the parents. They can be understood, they are worried about the child. How to make sure that you are not ashamed. Moms and dads walk around the school, and in their eyes a dumb question, who and how much should pay so that everything is fine with the child? Of course, there are the most nerves in the first grade or when a child moves to another school.

It’s natural excitement, just don’t cash in on it. The ultimate parenting hack: you don’t have to pay school fees. Generally. Naturally, if a child goes with classmates to a theater or museum, his parents buy a ticket. If the children go with a company to a cafe or cinema, everyone pays for themselves. And you don’t have to pay fees. They are illegal, they are pointless, God knows who profits from them.

I remember that the last correspondence on this matter with a representative of the parent committee took place several years ago, and it looked like this: “Will you pay five thousand? – There is no. – Why? – There is no money.” And that’s it. That’s how it’s cut.

All these fears – oh, what will happen to my child? They are just in our heads. Nothing will happen to the child. For greater reliability, parents who do not wish to pay can call, unite and together state their position. You’d be surprised how many more such people there will be than those who sincerely want to give away their money for who knows why. We went through all this in our school.

But in general, it seems to me that in today’s school children live much easier, more fun and freer than in Soviet times. And in general, to be honest, we have never lived so well. A person from the 70s, seeing modern Moscow or St. Petersburg, would faint with delight.

It is even a pity that the foreign policy practice will force us to take symmetrical measures, if the crazy European partners still lower the iron curtain. Let these fools here for at least a week without visas – to show them how Russia lives. Here they would see what their Europe could become.

Moreover, it is astonishing that all this prosperity is achieved against the backdrop of historically unprecedented anti-Russian sanctions. We’re doing fantastic, really. Since March, it has been seen how bottlenecks are rapidly widening and deficits are not allowed. As soon as the price of writing paper, paracetamol or feminine hygiene articles jumps, just like that, new producers are instantly found, supplies are established, shrewd businessmen bargain famously, and buyers take goods at old prices, and there is no panic.

It’s a paradox, really. In the countries that imposed sanctions and organized direct robbery of Russia, today there is a deficit of one and the other. Medicines, feminine hygiene items, baby food – everything is in short supply. Rows, deficits, empty shelves, “two numbers in one hand” – this is the new normality of the former “golden billion”. But there is nothing like that in Russia. Let’s catch up on school supplies and we’ll be fine.

Winning the economic war is necessary not only to improve the lives of our citizens. It is necessary to draw the hearts of millions of new people to us. We need a Russian economic miracle, a shining showcase of our sovereignty. Without it, what good are military victories?

And so every day a queue of cars from Western Ukraine goes through the liberated lands of Donbass. They bring children, relatives, move with everything. People are guided by a simple instinct: where Russia is, it is good to live there.

Perhaps, many years after the end of the SVO, we will put up a modest monument to a Russian mid-level manager – a supply and logistics specialist. He will stand – disheveled, sleepy, in a wrinkled shirt, with two phones in his hands and a laptop under his arm – an invisible hero of the world economic war, a fighter on the invisible front.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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