Home » Health » Mount Noctis on Mars: Giant Volcanoes and Glacier Ice Discovered, Sign of Extraterrestrial Life?

Mount Noctis on Mars: Giant Volcanoes and Glacier Ice Discovered, Sign of Extraterrestrial Life?

Mount Noctis on Mars stretches for 450 kilometers and reaches a height of 9,000 meters. (Photo: NASA)

JAKARTA – Scientists discovered giant volcanoes and hidden layers of glacier ice on the planet Mars. This mountain, named Mount Noctis, stretches up to 450 kilometers and reaches a height of 9,000 meters, higher than Everest Mountain 8.848 meter.

Located on the border between the winding Noctis Labyrinthus and the Valles Marineris Canyon, Mount Noctis has been eroded and difficult to recognize since it was first observed by a NASA spacecraft in 1971. The volcano’s complex modification history suggests that Noctis has been active for a very long period of time. .

Reporting from GBnews, Saturday (16/3/2024), these findings were announced at the 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Texas, opening up new opportunities to study the geological history of Mars, look for signs of life, and pave the way for future exploration coming.

In the southeastern part of Mount Noctis, scientists also discovered a thin layer of recent volcanic deposits that may still contain glacier ice. The presence of glacier ice near the surface in the relatively warm equatorial regions of Mars means humans could potentially explore this part of the planet without having to deal with extreme temperatures. Additionally, glacier ice can be a valuable source of water for hydration and making rocket fuel.

The combination of sustained heat and water from glacier ice on Noctis makes this location a prime target for astrobiology, the science of studying possible extraterrestrial life . Scientists suspect that this combination may have created ideal conditions to support life in the past.

The discovery of Mount Noctis and possible glacier ice marks an exciting new chapter in Mars exploration. Scientists plan to conduct further research to study this volcano, including its eruption history, mineral composition, and the possible presence of life in the past.


2024-03-16 00:39:03
#Giant #Volcano #Mars #Higher #Everest

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