Home » Business » Bruno Giordano Elected President of Cariverona Foundation: Unicredit Stock and Financial Surplus Soar

Bruno Giordano Elected President of Cariverona Foundation: Unicredit Stock and Financial Surplus Soar

Change at the top of the Cariverona Foundation. The Scaliger body, which in its treasure chest of shareholdings also includes 1% of Uncredit and 24% of Veronafiere, has elected Bruno Giordano as president. Electronic engineer and founder of Giordano Controls Spa which he himself leads, Giordano has experience as a councilor of Cariverona on the recommendation of the Municipality of Legnago.
He takes the place of the outgoing Alessandro Mazzucco, who proposed him for succession: the change was decided yesterday by a large majority by the general council and sanctioned by applause that was also heard outside the Veronese institution.
Giordano then thanked Mazzucco and the bodies of the organization for the trust placed, assuring that he will continue his work in the “sign of innovation”. The deputy vice president of the Foundation will be Margherita Forestan, vice president Giovanni Dolcetta, councilors Giovanni Pizzolo, Alberto Marenghi (who attempted to run for the presidency of Confindustria), Sergio Visciano and Nicola Pittoni.
Yesterday was also budget day for the Cariverona Foundation which closed the 2023 financial year, with a surplus of 35.3 million, up 66% compared to 2022. The financial asset at the end of last year was 1 .9 billion (+19%) and from then to today it has risen to 2.1 billion thanks above all to the performance of the Unicredit stock on the Piazza Affari. It should also be highlighted that in 2023 the body approved disbursements of 31.1 million (+22%) to 216 projects. It is not for nothing that the new president of Cariverona immediately wanted to reiterate his full support to the CEO of Unicredit Andrea Orcel and the president Pier Carlo Padoan. «I think that Unicredit is very well managed by this team», said Giordano as he left the Foundation’s headquarters together with Mazzucco at the end of the General Council. Cariverona’s support for the outgoing leaders at the next Unicredit meeting was also confirmed.

2024-03-15 21:13:00
#Cariverona #entrusts #reins #Giordano

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