The Council of Ministers of March 6 decided as such. From now on, May 15 is declared a national day of customs and traditions. Could it be otherwise when the majority of Burkinabè people are aware that if they want to be themselves, they must return to the values on which they are based? By taking such a decision, which is sure to spark controversy, the government is repairing an injustice that has long been done to those who are wrongly described as “disbelievers”, “animists” or “chicken slaughterers”. On the contrary, it is a notable step forward that must be welcomed because it is in line with the current fight for sovereignty, independence and for our dignity.
At the beginning of Africa, Burkina Faso, our villages and our families, were our customs and our traditions. Fortunately, in many countries, they still exist and are well valued and respected. Even if they coexist with other religions. It was subsequently that the revealed religions arrived which disrupted our habits and by extension our values. And which, it must be said, were not revealed to us, but to other peoples. Imported into our countries, they have invaded us and relegated our traditional customs and religions to the background. Since we were made to believe that our religions and customs were not values, let alone religions. But, mystical or witchcraft practices relating to Satanism. Unfortunately, we believed it. If today we recognize that we have been deceived, then the moment is given to us to rediscover and celebrate our identity. That of Africa, that of our values, those of our customs and our traditions. Which fundamentally differ us from others. Who, too, have their traditions and customs.
Indeed, this long-desired day of customs and traditions must be understood as a rebirth of our people. The meaning given by the authorities to the transition must transcend any controversy in order to give it all its importance. It will be impossible for us to be sovereign and independent if we continue to think and behave like others.
But, this decision will only be completed if we put all religions on the same footing. Just as organs and the wearing of distinctive signs of political parties are prohibited in the administration, it must also be prohibited to have places of worship in public administration services. If this is not the case, then from now on I too will install the altar of my fetish and my amulets at the service and worship them when I can and when I want, even during service hours. Because the fetish is an integral part of our customs and traditions.
The current fight against terrorism has shown us that our values, our customs and our traditions are the only ones that can save us. Because this is what is special about us and what our adversaries do not have. SO !
Series Aymard BOGNINI