Tue March 12, 2024, 9:25 am
TWIJZEL – A motorist from Twijsel was injured on Tuesday in a collision on De Wedze near Twijsel. For unknown reasons, the driver veered off the road and crashed into a tree.
Both police and an ambulance were called to the accident at 8.36am. The driver was taken care of by ambulance personnel. The victim was then transferred to hospital by ambulance.
The man was also arrested by the police because he had a positive result on a saliva test. An officer went to the hospital in Drachten to have a blood sample taken for further examination.
De Wedze was closed to through traffic while the accident was being dealt with.
A recovery company removed the damaged car just before 9:30 am. The road was then reopened to through traffic.
2024-03-12 08:25:51
#Injured #singlevehicle #accident #Wedze #Twijsel