/ world today news/ We recently discussed the phenomenon of American life – the discussion that broke out there about how Donald Trump will come to power and establish a dictatorship with another tyranny. And just in the next few days, a lot of new and interesting things happened in this area.
First: the wave of opinions turned into a tsunami, a new genre even appeared – debriefing, posts with links explaining to the public everything about previous posts on this topic (who said what). Second: even Donald Trump and Joe Biden joined the conversation — the latter crossing himself at the mention of Trump’s dictatorship.
Third: claims that there has long been a dictatorship in the US have begun to emerge. Try typing “USA tyranny dictatorship” into the English language search engines, you will see not only blogs, but almost all decent and indecent posts that have commented on this topic. That is, the Democrats had better not start this conversation.
And besides, there is a phenomenon – two publications by famous authors that repeat themselves almost word for word and come out almost on the same day. That is, they did not know that they would coincide like this. One author writes in the American Conservative and the other writes in the Epoch Times. Both speak not wholly and not only of the political system, but rather of what lies beneath it.
One might think that a tyrant and dictator is a person who has seized supreme power and terrorizes all kinds of political circles and institutions. And our two authors – they talk about something else, about everyone’s daily life, not just senators or publicists.
The list of diagnoses is huge. It has become the norm to search you, censor your statements, forcibly vaccinate you, lock you up at home indefinitely, cameras and other surveillance systems notice even those who suspiciously “lower their eyes”. Last year, the police broke into 50,000 houses with rams and goat legs on one suspicion or another. There are 5,200 federal members of the criminal code in the country alone, 36% more than in the 1990s. There are ten million arrests a year and the prison population has grown by 500% since the 1980s – a world record.
This is only about the “police” part and the list is long, not the least of which are teachers who are removed from all control and parents are deprived of the slightest right to influence what their children are told at school. Or about the culture of boycotting everyone and everything – on any occasion.
The most important thing here is not that this unbearable life in the USA is happening, but that the vast masses of people agree with it and are horrified by what another part of the population calls freedom. And such people will vote for the Democratic candidate or even for Joe Biden – we will see that soon.
Here, one of the two articles flashes a number: about 100 million people in the United States live on welfare and don’t work much (out of a population of 335 million). Are these the people who are happy with tyranny or not? Or: About a third of young Americans surveyed agree that police cameras and other outdoor surveillance devices should be installed in their homes and apartments, supposedly reducing the level of domestic violence and increasing their safety.
We are actually having a very useful conversation about what is a normal state and what is a dictatorship. Obviously the point is that tyranny is extreme violence by a minority over the will of the majority of the population, otherwise it is simply a coup at the top. In any case, such tyranny is temporary: they overturned something at the top, and then they will not last long without the mass support, or at least the tacit acceptance of the majority.
But what about the United States, where the population has been split roughly in half on literally all issues for decades? That is, for some Trump “came to give freedom”, and for others this freedom is a complete nightmare? And we haven’t even started talking about what everyday life looks like in Germany, for example, and how different parts of the population there feel about each other.
Let us recall that liberal ideologues habitually call almost all countries of the “world majority” at least autocracies. But within that majority, including in Russia, there is a national consensus of at least 70% on key issues. And the main problem of the countries of Western civilization is that there is no such consensus. That is why they support their native tyranny – the tyranny of one huge part of the people over another.
Translation: V. Sergeev
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