Home » Health » Scientific Study Shows Excluding Potatoes from Diet Decreases Vitamins B, C, and Potassium in Body, Contrary to Beliefs About Potato Starch

Scientific Study Shows Excluding Potatoes from Diet Decreases Vitamins B, C, and Potassium in Body, Contrary to Beliefs About Potato Starch

A scientific study conducted by American scientists showed that excluding potatoes from the diet leads to a decrease in the amount of vitamins B, C and potassium in the body.

Such a conclusion was reached by specialists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. They challenged the view that potato starch causes overweight, gastrointestinal tract dysfunction and diabetes.

Two groups of healthy volunteers participated in the experiments. The first ate the usual foods, including potatoes, and in the second group this product was replaced by cereals. The amount of calories received was equal for all participants in the experiment, they report Noi.md with reference to involta.media.

Blood analysis showed that in people who ate grains instead of starchy vegetables, the potassium content decreased by 21%; vitamin B6 – by 17%; vitamin C – by 11%; and fibers – by 10%.

Thus, although potatoes and cereals are considered sources of carbohydrates, they cannot be substituted for each other.

2024-03-09 22:04:11
#Study #lead #exclusion #potatoes #diet

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