In June 2023, the federal government launched the Culture Pass. This is aimed at young people who turned 18 in 2023 and provides them with a budget of 200 euros for cultural offerings, which they can use with local providers for tickets, books, games, music and more until the end of 2025. The offers can be booked via the KulturPass app. Cultural providers were able to register on the platform from mid-May 2023 and post their events and products.
In total, almost 300,000 young people across Germany (as of January 2024) have already benefited from the KulturPass. The program will be expanded from March 2024. A budget of 100 euros for cultural activities will then be available to everyone born in 2006. At its meeting today (March 6), the Cultural Committee of the City of Essen took note of the figures for the city of Essen for 2023.
User numbers of the KulturPass 2023 in Essen
In Essen, 1,618 young adults who were verifiably born in 2005 registered for the KulturPass. In 2023, a total of 5,352 young people who were registered in Essen came of age. This means that almost 30 percent of young people have so far used the KulturPass offer.
Currently, 22 Essen shops are independently registered on the KulturPass marketplace. In addition to these registered shops, there are various providers in the “Cinema” and “Concert + Stage” categories. For example, cinema offers are aggregated via Acardo and “Concert + Stage” via Eventim. This means that a total of 3,010 offers are available to young adults in Essen. This number does not take into account books, of which around 1.2 million are available through the VLB and Libri.
The KulturPass is particularly popular with young Essen residents as a way to go to the cinema (Cinemax Essen), buy books (Thalia Essen; Mayersche Essen) and make music (Musik Gläsel). It turns out that cinema clearly comes in first place, followed by books and interest in making music.
Ausblick KulturPass 2024
The Culture Pass will continue in 2024. By implementing various measures, the publicity of the Culture Pass and the free cultural offerings in Essen should be effectively promoted in order to achieve broad participation and use and to promote cultural participation for all young people. Among other things, there should be a query about the needs and challenges surrounding the Culture Pass for cultural institutions, clubs, associations, youth cultural institutions and self-employed people. Furthermore, it is planned to set up an event page on the City of Essen website with all relevant information about the KulturPass. It is also planned to send an information letter about the culture pass and the free cultural offerings to all young people registered in Essen who will celebrate their 18th birthday in 2024.
If you have any questions about the KulturPass in Essen, please contact Geraldine Böttcher from the Essen City Cultural Office by phone on 0201 88 41204 or by email at [email protected].
Published by:
City of Essen
Press and Communications Office
Town Hall, Porscheplatz
45121 Essen
Telephone: +49 201 88-0 (ServiceCenter Essen)
E-Mail: [email protected]
URL: www.essen.de/presse
2024-03-07 05:57:46
#KulturPass #Cinema #books #music #popular #Essen