Home » News » The Farewell of ‘National Panda’ Fu Bao Sparks Emotional Goodbyes from Koreans: Report

The Farewell of ‘National Panda’ Fu Bao Sparks Emotional Goodbyes from Koreans: Report

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‘National Panda’ Fu Bao shared his final greetings with citizens yesterday.

A lot of people gathered to see Fubao leaving for China.

Koreans’ passionate love for Fubao is becoming a hot topic in China as well.

Correspondent Lee Yoo-kyung reports from Beijing.

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The popularity of ‘national panda’ Fubao is also a hot topic in China.

State-run CCTV connected a correspondent in Korea to introduce Koreans’ love of fubao.

[CCTV 보도 (지난 2일)]

″If you look at the information board, you will have to wait 220 minutes, or almost 4 hours, to see the pandas.″

Xinhua, a state-run news agency, also broadcast live footage of Fubao’s last day on its website.

[신화사 생중계 (지난 3일)]

″Fubao’s favorite flower is rapeseed. So her keepers her Kang her grandfather and her Song grandfather planted her rape flowers for her.″

Fubao is also very popular on Chinese social media.

A photo of the zookeepers who took care of Fu Bao in Korea and a Chinese actor who resembled them was posted together, and a joke was made that if Korean zookeepers could not be brought in, they would have to be used.

In Korea, there is also a post saying that Fu Bao has a light in his eyes and is worried that he might lose it when he returns to China.

A video of zookeepers shedding tears after the final reveal became popular on Chinese social media.

It is reported that when Fu Bao arrives in China next month, he will be sent to the Sun Ping Base of the Wolong Panda Conservation Center in Sichuan Province.

This is a relatively recently built base, with about 50 pandas living on a large site of 1.5 million square meters.

Fubao will be quarantined at Sunsunping Base for about a month and will be released to the public after adjusting to the new environment.

[우헝린/중국 판다 보호연구센터 수의사]

″When we come to China, our zookeepers speak Sichuan dialect, so we need to adapt to the language environment.″

China appears to be resuming ‘panda diplomacy’ by deciding to send a pair back to the United States and Spain, which recently received the pandas back.

This is Lee Yu-kyung from MBC News in Beijing.

Video editing: Kim Chang-gyu / Video source: China CCTV, Xinhua, National Panda Conservation Research Center

2024-03-04 11:27:22
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