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HPV Genotyping Test: Detecting Cancer-Causing Strains | What You Need to Know

The HPV test shows the presence of strains with cancer risk. Photo: Shutterstock

Infection with the human papilloma virus is very common. Some strains are dangerous and can cause precancerous lesions, and these can be highlighted by testing. Even if there are no symptoms of the infection, it can be highlighted with the help of the HPV genotyping test. It is about the analysis of a sample of secretions, as in the case of those taken for the Babeş-Papanicolau test.

Human papillomavirus (Human Papilloma Virus – HPV) penetrates the skin or mucous membranes, and most carriers show no signs of infection. Statistically, approximately 80% of sexually active people have the infection at some point in their lives, and the most serious consequence of HPV infection is cervical cancer. There are 15 strains with increased oncogenic risk, of which 2 (HPV 18 and HPV 16) are responsible for 70% of cervical cancer types.

In general, the HPV test should be done when the Pap test is abnormal. It determines whether one or more of the HPV types with increased cancer risk is to blame for the changes in the Babeş-Papanicolau test. In other words, the HPV test helps the doctor assess to what extent there is a risk that the woman will develop cancer or not.

What not to do before testing

48 hours before the HPV test, vaginal douching, use of intravaginal tampons or vaginal drugs are prohibited.

Scheduling the test is not done during menstruation, as blood cells can interfere with the test results. The best time to take the test is 8-12 days after your last period.

The bladder should be emptied just before the test, both for your comfort and for a better examination.

What does it consist of?

The test is performed by collecting a sample of cervical cells, as in the case of the collection for the Babeş-Papanicolau test. It is possible to resort to the simultaneous collection of samples for both tests.

Harvesting is not painful, but there may be discomfort when the medical instrument is inserted to remove the walls of the vagina.

As side effects, slight vaginal bleeding may occur. In the next 24-48 hours, it is recommended to avoid sexual contact.

Test results

In general, the result the HPV test arrives in a maximum of 2 weeks after harvest. This can be: normal – HPV is not present or abnormal – HPV is present. In the latter case, there is a high risk of cells with precancerous changes and further investigations such as colposcopy and cervical biopsy are recommended.

2024-03-02 05:04:04
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