Original Spider-Man: The Animated Series Writer Is Open to a Reboot
Spider-Man is one of Marvel’s most explored heroes
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Marvel Studios you may have plans for a probable reboot of Spider-Man: The Animated Series. Recently, the head writer who was involved in the original series has revealed his interest in this hypothetical project. Although Peter Parker He has been a participant in a lot of real action projects, Spider-Man It also had a dominant weight in the world of animation, especially if we take into account that the Spider-Verse franchise has become one of the most successful today.
Original Spider-Man: The Animated Series Writer Is Open to a Reboot
One of the animated properties of Spider-Man more iconic is Spider-Man: The Animated Serieswhich aired during the same era as other superhero cartoons that became very popular in their time, such as Batman: The Animated Series. Added to this is the fact that X-Men ’97 will premiere on Disney+hence Marvel Studios seems to be interested in this type of productions.
All they have to do is call me. I’m here, and I’d certainly consider doing it.
— John Semper Jr. (@johnsemper) February 28, 2024
Con X-Men: The Animated Series returning in sequel form, John Semper Jr., who worked as escritor principal en Spider-Man: The Animated Series, if you ever considered doing a reboot of the series. He said the only thing that would have to happen is that Marvel Studios I called him. In fact, he thinks it might be a good idea. For now, Spider-Man ’98 has not been made official by Marvel Studios. They have not commented on these comments either.
Despite Marvel Studios are focusing your attention on Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man for Disney+, the idea that Spider-Man: The Animated Series coming back is not something completely unreasonable. In the first trailer of X-Men ’97you can see a copy of The Daily Buglecon Spider-Man mentioned in one of the main headlines. This would confirm the fact that both animated series existed in the same universe when they aired during the 1990s.
In fact, one of the most famous episodes of the animated series Spider-Man showed Peter Parker’s encounter with one of Marvel’s mutants. Storm would return later in Spider-Man: The Animated Series during the last season as part of the story that adapted the popular event Secret Wars. In the event that X-Men ’97 becomes a success, Marvel Studios could contemplate a way to bring back Spider-Man: The Animated Series. Only time will tell if Spider-Man: The Animated Series reboot becomes a reality.
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2024-03-01 20:40:04
#Popular #SpiderMan #Animated #Series #Reboot