Iltalehti reached the CEO of KV Telineasuntu Oy on Thursday, but the call was cut off.
The scaffolding bridge that collapsed in Espoo’s Tapiola last spring was erected by KV Telineasuntu Oy from Järvenpää, which acted as a subcontractor to a company that supplies scaffolding bridges.
The Accident Investigation Center (Otkes) stated in its report released on Wednesday that the bridge was structurally inadequate and dangerous in its intended use. The report gave a rather mysterious impression of the builder of the bridge.
– The accident investigation center does not have more detailed information about the company or its operations, because the company did not respond to contacts, Otkes’ report states.
Iltalehti reached the sole member of the company’s board and at the same time the CEO Karl Varuskin on Thursday afternoon.
The call was immediately cut off when Varuski was told that the matter concerned the Tapiola crash bridge. New calls were no longer answered.
22 children and one adult were injured in the collapse of the bridge. Five were seriously injured. Six will be permanently disabled.
Winning action
KV Telineasuntu Oy doesn’t seem to have a website, and there isn’t much information about the company on the internet in general.
Iltalehti found out the background of the company from public sources.
KV Telineaseunus Oy was founded in 2020. Its parallel name is KV tellingupaigaldus Oü.
The company’s turnover has been around half a million euros for the past couple of years.
The most recent accounting period was exceptionally 13 months long and ended at the end of last year. During the period in which the Tapiola accident also falls, the company made a profit of 34,000 euros with a turnover of 558,000 euros.
The company has no payment defaults.
In addition to Varuski, another man has been registered as a deputy member on the board of the company registered in Järvenpää. They are both citizens of Estonia.
The address given by the company seems to refer to an apartment building located in Järvenpää.
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