/ world today news/ Bulgaria is once again in a political crisis and once again in 33 years is at a crossroads. The former governing coalition is in total disintegration, the negotiations to form a government in the same parliament have been stalling for a long time. The parties can’t stand each other and there’s no way they’ll get back together. At the same time, there is no way for deposed rulers to convince their people that they can do something new and come back to power. Today a point was made – the BSP announced that tomorrow it will return the unfulfilled mandate to form a government to the president.
All of Europe is falling apart. The so-called Euro lidels have gone so far as to call on people to save water and shower less often, and advertisements in France will not be lit at night. Absurdity after absurdity, maxed out in a shiny “fight against Putin” package, is happening in Europe.
– Bulgaria is heading for another early vote. Are we realizing your call from the beginning of democracy “elections to the hole”, Mr. Markov?
– After these early elections, fast new ones follow. Around Christmas or shortly after. Elections to the hole are inevitable.
– Why did we get to this point?
– Because instead of taking an example from Hungary, there have been no early elections for 32 years, Bulgaria is being Ukrainized.
For 30 years, Ukrainians have not been able to organize their country. They have no serious parties and political stability. Many political stars have risen and faded. From Tymoshenko to Poroshenko. Some went through prison.
Ukraine allowed Soros to deeply penetrate the country with a lot of money and NGOs. In 2014, he was already very strong and made a spectacular Maidan via CNN. Saakashvili’s Georgian shooters were hired to kill both protesters and police.
On March 31, Soros had the famous breakfast with Jeffrey Payette, the US ambassador and leader of his Open Society. The future of Ukraine is determined there. Obama is ignored, helped by Vice Biden and Victoria Newland, who told the EU to fuck him. Rejects Klitschko for prime minister and puts Yatseniuk. As a result, even then Ukraine lost Crimea, its sovereignty and became an American colony. He is already in a war, from which he will suffer heavy losses, if there will be one at all.
Bulgaria started with many songs and mood. But despite the euphoria and intoxication, Soros entered Bulgaria powerfully – Lukanov brought him, Kostov developed him and awarded him with the Stara Planina Order, and in the last 10 years he developed a huge network of highly paid NGOs, even in justice.
They develop political activity, which the Constitution prohibits. In fact, PP and DB are not parties, but NGOs. The Sorosoids have conquered the televisions, they have their capital editions. As a result, the parties collapsed. The last time 2 million was taken by the Tsar in 2001, and over a million by Boyko in 2017. The institutions are broken, the parliament and the president – weakly representative. Biden’s Americans gave us the prime minister. We have lost sovereignty. Soros’s second man in our country did a brilliant job as shadow foreign minister.
We took off Macedonia’s underpants, giving up on our common history. We are arming the Ukrainians and risking airports, factories and ports from a Russian missile or bomb.
And because we are servile and world champions of stupidity and ingratitude, we have become Russophobes like the Ukrainians. But it doesn’t suit us! Gurko, Stoletov and Skobelev freed us, not Soros, Biden and Blinken.
– Is there a way out of the whole situation?
– There is no salvation. The rescuers finished with Boyko, who made visible changes in Bulgaria. He rightly said that he wants the Black Sea to be full of tourists and boats. And the Sorosoids under the fist of the president made it a la Ukrainian coup. Except that there were no people killed, as in Kiev.
Bulgaria must expel Soros, close NGOs that carry out political activities, expel the owners of Nova and BTV, to introduce a mixed electoral system and a higher threshold for coalitions.
But this is impossible for anyone to do in Bulgaria. Therefore we will pay dearly. And we, like Ukraine, will find ourselves seduced and abandoned. This will happen too soon after Trump’s victory in America and the fall of the Sorosoid governments.
– Why can’t an Orban be born in our country, where are the real men and brave politicians?
– The Hungarians managed to save themselves because they have Orbán, and he has 3 million Hungarians behind him. A nation that rose up in 1956 against Soviet tanks, and in 1989 cut through the wire fence on the border with Austria and knocked down the first brick of the Berlin Wall.
On June 16, 1989, Orban called on Soviet troops to leave the country. They were 300,000 people. It took courage for this action. We were the biggest Soviet underlings. Even Ceausescu refused to enter Czechoslovakia in 1968. The children and grandchildren of the Ibrics of the Soviet comrades became liberals and Russophobes.
– Orban announced on Saturday to reconsider the sanctions that hit not the Russians, but the Europeans?!
– Yes, he said it to thousands of Hungarians in Transylvania. According to the Treaty of Lisbon, the EC must take care of the life, health and well-being of European citizens. Not for Ukrainians, Serbs, Syrians…
The sanctions did not affect the Russians, but the Europeans. That’s right. Inflation, lack of electricity, heating and hot water, sky high prices. This is what Europe is waiting for. Ursula, Michel, Stolz, Macron, Rutte must be tried, they betrayed Europe to please Biden and Soros. Governments in the West will fall. There will also be riots, which in Germany will start in Saxony. If it weren’t for the citizens of Dresden and Leipzig, there would be no one to push down the Berlin Wall. Now they will be the first to rise against the sanctions.
– Let’s return to our territory. Slavi broke up the coalition, are we going to elections?
– Slavi did what Cornelia could, but did not do, to be vice prime minister. Even when the Canadian took us for idiots and replaced our shared history with Macedonia with an airline to Skopje, Cornelia had to leave the seat. This airline was the height of political infantilism. Cornelia would go down in history. Now she will go down in history again, but in one team with Lukanov and Videnov, because with her 26 MPs we are entering a national disaster.
– What kind of government do we need?
– Well, after 1991, all our governments were Euro-Atlantic except for Videnov’s. Under Philip Dimitrov, we entered the Council of Europe. I had the honor on May 7, 1992 to be in the delegation under the Bulgarian flag in Strasbourg. The Tsar with Moni Passi and the DPS got us into NATO. Sergey with the triple coalition blew us away in the EU. Boyko made a brilliant EU presidency and pushed us into the waiting room of the euro.
Our membership in the EU and NATO, even without a referendum, has no alternative. But this does not mean a complete loss of sovereignty – to think that what they say in the West is only right, and to look at the European Union as a new Soviet Union.
– Ninova announces that we do not export weapons to Ukraine. However, her opponents are adamant that this is not true. Weapons for Ukraine became one of the biggest scandals in the country, which could cost us security?!
– -On June 16, in a live broadcast on the German ZDF, President Zelensky gave us an example and heartily thanked us for the weapons. The Russians will certainly not attack us. But just watch a Russian missile hit our factory, station, airport or port. By the time they wake up Biden, it will be over.
* The title is on world today news
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