Home » World » As a result of the rule of the Sorosoid Kirchovtsi, Bulgaria did not just lose sovereignty. Not only is it a colony. She is humiliated and on her knees! – 2024-02-27 19:43:01

As a result of the rule of the Sorosoid Kirchovtsi, Bulgaria did not just lose sovereignty. Not only is it a colony. She is humiliated and on her knees! – 2024-02-27 19:43:01

/ world today news/ There are two weeks left until the elections on October 2, and the campaign, according to most observers and analysts, is more than sluggish.

At the same time, the provocations against Bulgaria by North Macedonia do not stop in the Balkans, and Europe is in feverish anticipation of the elections in Italy and those for Congress in the USA.

Where is Bulgaria in this global political puzzle and where will Europe go – comment by Georgi Markov.

– Mr. Markov, you follow the political life in our country and in Europe. You are one of the most read authors in PIK. Three weeks before the election, what is missing from the campaign?

– There is no debate on the main question: Who ruled Bulgaria at the time of the Kirchovites? This is a fundamental question, as well as what is Bulgaria today as a consequence of this administration.

– And who ruled us? Here you live outside, maybe you can better see what we look like…

– The Kirchovites are an NGO of “America for Bulgaria”, formally registered as a party. It is a project of the new ultra-radical American left. In Dallas, Orbán called progressives communists and brought Republicans to their feet. Behind Biden, Blinken and Newland, however, stands Soros and he does not hide it.

As a result of the rule of the Sorosoid Kirchovtsi, Bulgaria did not just lose sovereignty. Not only is it a colony. Bulgaria is humiliated and on its knees! He will stand up when we expel Soros from Bulgaria! When – then! When it shuts down Soros NGOs that violate the Constitution by doing political work. Of course, by beating the crap out of the owners of BTV and Nova and kicking them out of the country. No one has seen their surah on these specimens. These two TV stations do not work for the Bulgarian national interest.

Bulgaria’s foreign policy was carried out by Soros and his right-hand man Gerald Knaus through Vesela Cherneva, who is Sorosoid number 2 in our country after Vankata Krastev.

The result is terrible. Bulgaria is humiliated, they are making fun of us. Look how some Macedonian Osmani rattles them. Well, because of our servitude, he took himself seriously. They beat us 3:1 and one of the goals is that they forced us to give up our common history. He mocks us, gives us one goal – the change of the Macedonian Constitution and the inclusion of a Bulgarian minority. You’re gargling with us, Ivo! Because there will be no change to the Constitution. Soros, through the Socialists and his son Alexander, are firmly behind Zoran Zaev, but do not have a qualified majority. The opposition does not agree with the changes. This Osmani is very generous, his mother is old, he gives us a goal so that we are not capos. And the goal is punta mara!

These Macedonians humiliated themselves by changing their name under the pressure of a foreign country – Greece. We, on the other hand, made it to the point where they were messing with us. Radev invited their president to the opening of some interconnector with Greece. Let’s hope our guy has enough self-confidence and Bulgarian language and cancels the invitation. We were going to give them electricity. How about giving them Brussels! By the way, the Brussels sprouts were short of electricity. They will turn it off on the highways because of the sanctions. They will only drive on them during the day.

What about that Albanian Edi Rama? He publicly humiliated us in front of all the foreign media at an EU meeting saying we are a shame for Europe. And Boyko called 2018 that she was Merkel in the Balkans for the brilliant European presidency, because she put the topic of the Western Balkans on the European agenda.

– May I just not suffer from Soros?

– The Ukrainians suffer too. Maidana is entirely the creation of Soros, Vice Biden and Victoria Newland. This led to the loss of the Crimea. In Romania, his protégé Kiovesi has disrupted the political life of his neighbors so much that no one knows who their prime minister is anymore.

Again Soros, through a coup, put Zoran Zaev in power so that they would kneel to the Greeks, and his son Sashko would rule Macedonia. Biden’s son, on the other hand, reached for the land with honey in Ukraine.

– It is claimed that only a Euro-Atlantic government will save us from the crisis, there is even talk openly about a coalition of GERB and PP.

– Well, the Kirchovites were Atlantic-minded, so they brought us to a national catastrophe? It cannot be more Atlantic… Unless we decide to replace March 3 as a national holiday with August 12 – Soros’ birthday. Didn’t Kostov give him “Stara planina”? The man has an order!

The only salvation in the winter is for the winner Borisov to become prime minister, and for the others to get off the wagon and not interfere. There is no politician in Bulgaria who is able to navigate the brutal turbulences in the world and Europe that are ahead.

– But it seems, and the rumors are quite persistent, that the Americans did not want him because of “Turkish Stream” and that he only wanted boats and tourists in the Black Sea?

– Which Americans that America is divided? Those of Newland, who said “Fuck the EU”, may not want it. But the great President Trump likes him and showered him with superlatives during his visit. On November 8 in the States, Trump will sweep Biden.

– What about an expert government?

– According to the Constitution, Scientific and Technical Unions do not take part in the elections, but parties and their leaders who take responsibility for the management of the country, according to the popular vote. An expert government would not even last 100 days, and Radev will govern us until 2025. Then people can say what our parliament is for, the president driving the train. So, de facto, we will become a presidential state. From rain to wind, there will also be parliaments, as a side dish to the main course.

– You often talk about turbulence in the world. You said about Trump. What else could happen?

– Well, it already happened. NATO lived without a cloud 30 years after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact. As of September 1, 2022, this is no longer the case. It was demonstrated by the military exercises of China, Russia and India, which was the host. The unipolar world is over. At the Shanghai Economic Forum in Uzbekistan these days, where Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin met, it became clear that Iran is also joining. What’s a man to say? 4 billion population, powerful economies and more. Candidates are also Laos, Cambodia, Syria, Qatar, the Emirates…

– And in Europe?

– Next Sunday, Meloni’s victory is beyond doubt and will be very convincing. A Christian will be at the head of a major western country for a long time. Georgia called Europe a political dwarf and a bureaucratic giant. Kaczynski and Orbán will finally have a political ruling friend in the West.

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