Home » World » SYRIZA Conference: Dipolo Kasselakis – Gerovasilis with disapproval and asterisks – 2024-02-27 06:42:17

SYRIZA Conference: Dipolo Kasselakis – Gerovasilis with disapproval and asterisks – 2024-02-27 06:42:17

Kicking, punching and attitude. Yes, the abusive deconstruction of the Korean concept of “tae-kwon-do”, in the Olympic headquarters of which the 4th Congress of SYRIZA is being hosted from Thursday, breaks down into these three elements, but on the other hand, it synthesizes most of what unfolded until completion of the third and most stormy day of work.

“Korea’s” happened – indirectly but clearly – from the morning to the evening of Saturday (24/2).

And if the indoor gym was not adapted to serve any domestic or international event of the national sport of the beloved Koreans, the general atmosphere referred to a battle to the final fall: certainly more impressions than substance at the end of the day, given that today is Sunday, last day of the Conference, it is quite possible that the match will end in a draw and the winner will be relegated to some time in the future.

The first reactions and the gathering of signatures

In any case, the holding of a new round of internal party elections for the selection of president after the invitation of Stefanos Kasselakis and the response of the opposition bloc with the filing of candidacy by Olga Gerovasili will be decided by the body’s verdict. Of a body which, by general admission, has been identified with the rejection of the scenario of a new appeal to the polls.

From early on it was leaked that an attempt was being made to postpone the process in any way. On the one hand, the collection of signatures for the submission of a resolution to the presidency and on the other hand the speeches of delegates reinforced the assessment that against the wishes of both the leader of SYRIZA and the strengthened internal opposition, an attempt to aggressively block the process was underway before it was even confirmed. the existence of candidates. “We decide” was the general order.

Yannis Ragousis took the cold

Even though the hall was not full, but with clearly more people than on Friday, it was clear the trend of questioning the “old guard” against the “modernism” of the last five months. Yiannis Ragousis took the stage early and realized right from the start that the stand in front of him was “cheating”, as a result of which the set-up was more reminiscent of a stadium arena than a partisan gathering for the production of politics and ideas. Disappointments drowned out any other sound before the seasoned politician’s “change or sink.”

What had been circulating since Friday afternoon had affected the mood of a part of the body and the reactions to anything to the contrary were more than intense. “They want to cut off his legs,” said a congressman to others as they descended the long steps from the platform to the lower level of the venue.

Waiting for Olga Gerovasilis

The appointment was actually set for 19:00, when Olga Gerovasili’s speech was postponed. And if front-line executives such as Nikos Pappas, Sokratis Famellos and George Tsipras tried to build bridges by mitigating the differences and talking about a meeting and a truce at least until the European elections, everything was already set in motion.

Shortly before the speech was given to the vice-president of the Parliament, St. Kasselakis made his second appearance in the main hall. The previous one concerned exclusively the contact with the attendees. “We are at a conference, not a catwalk. The president should listen to the delegates, not be photographed” shouted one of the members to those who were waiting for a selfie.

During his walk, the leader of SYRIZA had refused to sign for a postponement, asking for a “clean solution” from the base in order to implement the party’s transformation plan without further obstacles. She has decided not to play the role of Iphigenia who sacrifices herself.

His return to the first row of seats was made because he wanted to be present at his opponent’s speech and knowing, not the content, but the intention to intervene immediately and accordingly.

The yuchaisms and the 10th of March

The seasoned politician also met with hostility from the audience at every word or phrase that questioned the SYRIZA president and his practices. Even more so when he declared himself “present” in the battle for the leadership in order to stop the descent. In any case, she remained calm leaving the outbursts, in contrast to Panos Rigas, president of the Conference, who demanded courtesy and respect for the opposing point of view.

Before she left the stage, St. Kasselakis was already on the platform to greet her and request immediate elections on March 10 in a hybrid way (ballots, screen, envelope, but also electronically). Immediately after that he left and retreated to the interior for new meetings with his partners and planning movements.

On the contrary, Olga Gerovasili remained for some time next to Katerina Notopoulou and heard that both Christos Spirtzis and Kostas Zachariadis as well as Athena Linou openly supported her.

The statute, the Coogee and the vote

Before saying good night she met with the journalists and appeared adamant. The election procedures will be followed to the letter and will be conducted exactly as the statute stipulates. Just as Alexis Tsipras and Stefanos Kasselakis were elected presidents the previous times. So after a month! Not even a hint of retreat from the vice-president of the Parliament. Otherwise “it will become Koogi” according to Chr. Spirtzis.

Unless, of course, in today’s vote, which will be held after the president’s debriefing speech, the Congress rejects the version of the elections and puts the brakes on – for now at least – any such process of rechristening or overturning. Then the “historic compromise” will probably be inevitable for both sides.

#SYRIZA #Conference #Dipolo #Kasselakis #Gerovasilis #disapproval #asterisks

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