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Ultimate Guide to Successful Salary Negotiations: Expert Tips and Strategies

The most beautiful adventure of the spring, also called the salary negotiations, is for many just around the corner. But how do you proceed, and what should you do?

Consumer economist Derya Incedursun at Nordea was very young, excited and a little uncertain the first time she had a salary interview.

– I learned that I had to prepare even better for the next time, and that a salary negotiation is a two-way process. In other words, a dialogue where both parties find a solution that is fair, she says to Nettavisen.

Negotiate higher wages

1. Prepare well. Why exactly should you get a pay rise, have you taken on new responsibilities and contributed at a higher level, and have you shown good results?

Research what is normal for similar industries and companies to pay for someone with your background.

2. Keep more options open than just sticking to one number, then it will be easier to negotiate and find compromises. It is important to remember that the salary increase should follow inflation, so that you do not lose purchasing power.

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3. Do not focus on your financial situation during the conversation. For example, that the interest rates on the mortgage have gone up or that you have had more children. Relate to business reasons.

4. It is wise to think about timing. A good deal, delivered a good project or lots of good feedback. It can be a particularly good time to ask for a higher salary. It is not realistic to expect a further salary increase until at least a year has passed.

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5. If you are not successful, you can try to negotiate some fringe benefits. Pay attention to what are taxable and tax-free fringe benefits. Company car, mobile phone and broadband are examples of taxable fringe benefits.

Hold the cards close to your chest

In addition to the points mentioned above, Silje Sandmæl, consumer economist at DNB, has several tips for the salary interview.

– Never say what you expect in salary before the boss says how much they have planned to give.

She points out that you should practice in front of the mirror, or a friend.

– Feel free to propose a higher salary than what you are offered when changing jobs, and you may meet in the middle.

Sandmæl also says that to check what the average salary for your profession is, you can use statistics from Statistics Norway, The Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority or unions.

“No” is the worst you can get

– Don’t fear a conversation about salary. Rather, think that you are asking your employer to pay you your market value, and that a salary increase is neither a service nor a gift from the employer, says Incedursun, and continues:

– Remind yourself of the value you add. The worst that can happen is that you get a no.

Sandmæl in DNB says the same:

– You lose nothing by negotiating salary, the worst you can get is “no”.

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And the discomfort can certainly pay off:

– A previous survey carried out by Ipsos for DNB shows that seven out of ten employees who dare to ask for higher wages win.

Avoid this

Senior lawyer Marte Nesje at Codex says that one of the biggest pitfalls is that you overestimate your own achievements, and thus what you demand in salary.

– Another pitfall is that the employee is poorly prepared for the meeting, and has no concrete results to show.

For those who dread salary negotiations, Nesje’s advice is that you should make good preparations before the interview:

– Make a list of concrete and factual arguments, which show what you have delivered and achieved for the company. I also recommend giving a concrete proposal for a salary increase.

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According to Nesje, employer and employee can basically agree on what they want when it comes to pay, but there are some limitations:

– The employer is not, for example, allowed to discriminate and give different wages based on the general grounds of discrimination, such as gender and ethnicity.

She further explains that in some industries there are also statutory minimum requirements for wages and working conditions. This applies, among other things, to industries such as transport, cleaning, construction, accommodation, serving and catering businesses.

2024-02-25 11:42:37
#Salary #negotiations #avoid #mistakes

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