Home » Health » Second Phase of Polio Immunization in Sampang Regency Nears Completion, Aims for 95% Target

Second Phase of Polio Immunization in Sampang Regency Nears Completion, Aims for 95% Target

LACQUER, RadarMadura.id – The second phase of polio immunization in Sampang Regency ends tomorrow (25/2). As of Thursday (22/2), the vaccine achievement carried out by 22 community health centers was around 75 percent.

This realization is still far from the target that the Sampang KB Health Office must achieve, namely 95 percent of the total target.

Head of the Disease Prevention and Control Division of the Sampang Family Planning Health Office, Samsul Arifin, said that the targets for the second stage of polio immunization have not changed.

The total target for the district is 130,131 children. They are classified as children aged 0–7 years. “The target is the same as the first stage. “We will immunize the targets who were immunized in the first stage again,” he said.

Samsul said that the second stage of polio immunization was carried out for a week. Sunday (25/2) is the last day for administering vaccines to targets. He said that the realization of phase two of immunization had reached around 75 percent.

According to him, the realization of the second phase of immunization is faster than the first phase. Samsul is confident that the target of 95 percent immunization can be met. His party continues to strive to achieve the targets set by the Ministry of Health.

“In the first stage, we need to explain to the public. “Now the target understands, the process will be faster,” he said.

Samsul revealed that so far no new cases have been found in Bahari City. Even so, the Sampang KB Health Office still sent samples for laboratory tests. Because the polio virus can be identified after a laboratory examination.

“We received the samples from the community health center. “But, there have been no new cases in Sampang,” he said.

The head of the Tanjung Nurus Health Center, Zakiya, stated that his party had never sent samples for laboratory testing.

Because, in the target area there were no polio cases found. “We have never sent a lab test because thank God there were no cases,” he said.

In the first phase of immunization, the achievement at the Tanjung Community Health Center was the highest compared to 21 other regions. As of Wednesday (31/2), the realization of polio immunization reached 117.7 percent. Nurus is optimistic that these achievements can be achieved in the second phase of immunization.

“Yesterday’s achievement (Thursday) was 89.74 percent. “Hopefully today (yesterday) it will be more than 90 percent,” he said. (was)

2024-02-23 23:20:00
#Chasing #Target #Phase #Polio #Immunization #Boosted #Radar #Madura

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