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New Online Teaching Model ‘eliA’ Personalizes Master’s Programs at International University of Andalusia

Intelligent technologies have come to education to stay. Beyond ChatGPT and other similar applications, the use of these resources contributes to a key value: the personalization of the teaching-learning process. This is what they have seen at the International University of Andalusia, a public institution specialized in postgraduate studies that is launching ‘eliA’. A new model to get the most out of online teaching in its official master’s programs, adapting training to the needs of the student.

Education lives in a process of constant transformation. Fruit of society’s own demands, which see knowledge as an essential value in their personal and professional development. But also driven by the appearance of methodological tools and resources, where digital becomes an inseparable piece of any classroom.

Conversational artificial intelligence (such as ChatGPT, Bing, Copilot…) made headlines last year, due to the challenge it has posed in the evaluation of skills and knowledge. The use of these services to compose, for example, final degree or master’s thesis, represents a challenge when it comes to finding out which part comes from a human brain and which from a synthetic one.

Although this will become anecdotal, the real challenge is to take advantage of AI to improve the way we learn. “It already happened decades ago with the use of calculators in exams,” recalls José Ignacio García. The rector of the International University of Andalusia points out that the unknown now “is not to avoid these resources, but to know how to integrate them so that they become another ally inside and outside the classroom.”

A question to which your institution has begun to answer: through personalization. “Starting next year, we are going to implement this technology within the official master’s degrees, so that the training adapts to the pace and capabilities of each student,” says García.

Thus, this commitment to making postgraduate courses more personal is one of the pillars of the new Online Teaching Model of the International University of Andalusia. Under the acronym eliA, an entire strategy is configured that seeks to single out what and how people learn at this institution.

Teaching innovation

With the eliA Model, the International of Andalusia proposes its own method that combines, at the university master’s level, intelligent technology and deductive learning, in addition to teaching innovation and personalized monitoring. Something that starts from the design of the title itself, which is done thinking about the possibilities of each subject, the learning ecosystem or the evaluation formulas.

“We talk about applying pedagogical innovation from the first minute, and doing so by placing the student at the center of the entire process. This is considering that they are mature people, with an academic career, in many cases in full professional practice, who seek to acquire specialized knowledge in a format open to flexibility,” says the vice-rector for Academic Coordination and International Projection, Encarnación Mellado.

The Master’s Thesis (TFM) will occupy a central position, so that all learning through it takes a concrete form during the course and of interest to each student. Thus, explains the rector, “you enter the master’s degree with an assigned work tutor, who accompanies you all the time, and helps you, preventing the bulk of the TFM work from being concentrated in the last weeks of the course.”

The eliA model is designed for virtual university master’s degrees. With this, and in accordance with the above, each subject is structured with synchronous training (that is, live, in real time) and asynchronous training, through small groups, with the bulk of the teaching load falling on this part, which favors flexibility. Of the information.

Digital skills

The Andalusian International Online Teaching Model also plays with two other unique elements. The first is the pre-orientation component. Students enrolled in eliA have a tutored and self-training space, where they acquire everything they need to know about the methodology, tools and resources, to be able to get the most out of their training.

On the other hand, all students at the International University of Andalusia have free access to the UNIA Innova program. An optional module, which offers transversal knowledge to any area of ​​knowledge in fundamental aspects such as advanced digital skills or the management and exploitation of data.

2024-02-23 19:28:13
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