Home » Entertainment » Violinist Zefira Valova has been nominated for “Musician of the Year – 2017” /vote on the BNR website/ – 2024-02-22 20:00:25

Violinist Zefira Valova has been nominated for “Musician of the Year – 2017” /vote on the BNR website/ – 2024-02-22 20:00:25

/ world today news/ For another year, the “Allegro vivache” program of BNR takes on the noble mission of asking its listeners about who is the musician of the year.

The world of symphonic music is colorful, colorful, magical and the choice is really difficult, but we at ” world today news” call you to cast your vote for the young violinist Zefira Valovaa musician with inexhaustible energy, creative potential, tireless passion and apostolic dedication.

Zefira is an ideologue and artistic director of the “Baroque Art” festival and thanks to her, year after year, the biggest names in this genre come to Sofia to make known to the local public those creative searches that illuminated Europe centuries ago, and even today give us a piece of light in the brutal times of chaos and opposition .

Music is not a profession, it is a mission, it is a different being of mind and soul. Musicians are people from a different world, so we don’t want to make them superior to us, but to emphasize the simple fact that they are different. They are our connection to the past because they tirelessly recreate the creations of the giants on whose shoulders we stand today, but also our gaze into the future because this music will outlive us and one day even float through space to animate distant stars and planets .

Zefira is the embodiment of this mission, a musician who knows no borders and gives concerts all over Europe and the world, a talent seeker from the past, a connoisseur of bygone eras, an amazingly modern interpreter of old classics. Her violin is like a time machine – it resurrects old emotions and sends them directly into the soul of the audience. Because of this, her baroque concerts enjoy huge audiences and rave reviews.

In the life of a musical apostle, a life filled with road, airports and foreign hotels, there are many moments of intellectual and emotional satisfaction. But there can hardly be a better prize than the audience award for “Musician of the Year”. This is the moment when the musician and his audience meet and show that they have understood each other.

That’s why – support Zephyr! Through it you also support baroque music, that authentic pearl of the past that warms the heart and stirs the mind.

Marshmallow deserves it. Her music too.

Biography of Zefira Valova /click on the photo and – the second one in a row/

List of nominees for “Musician of the Year – 2017”

Vote for Musician of the Year – 2017 and invite your friends to do the same HERE

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