Home » World » Soros’s men, the subversive special agents: Who are they? (iii) – 2024-02-16 03:08:21

Soros’s men, the subversive special agents: Who are they? (iii) – 2024-02-16 03:08:21

/View.info/ Wesley Clark and Ann Applebaum

We continue the series of posts based on the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet’s investigations into the subversive actions of the Soros organization Action for Democracy (A4D). You can read the beginning and continuation here.

The best-known and most influential member of the A4D advisory board is former senior NATO official US General Wesley Clark.

“Everybody in the United States knows him by sight, he has access to the highest circles of the Democratic Party, he has proven his ability to aggressively push American foreign policy interests in Europe, and he, based on his views, is likely to be able to destroy the foreign policy that the Hungarian leadership has built in recent years” – according to the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet, these are the reasons for the inclusion of the retired general in George Soros’s strike force, whose task is to remove from power the government of Viktor Orbán, who firmly and consistently defends national interests of Hungary and rejects Western-style liberal democracy.

As for General Clark’s involvement in the A4D advisory board, it must be assumed that his Jewish roots played a significant role, which is extremely important to A4D coordinator and sponsor George Soros.

Clark’s great-grandfather was a Jewish immigrant from Belarus who immigrated to the United States in the late 19th century. Clark’s father, Benjamin J. Kahn, a graduate of Chicago-Kent College of Law, served as a midshipman in the U.S. Navy Reserve during World War I and never saw combat.

Wesley Clark’s son called the marriage of his Jewish grandfather and Methodist grandmother “as multicultural as it could be in 1944.”

Wesley Clark was born in Chicago on December 23, 1944. His father died on December 6, 1948. Soon the mother of the future NATO commander married Victor Clark, whom she met while working as a bank secretary.

Clark raised Wesley as his own son and adopted him when Wesley turned 16. Wesley Clark attended a Baptist church throughout his childhood and learned of his Jewish roots many years later.

Clark served in the Vietnam War and established himself as a brave and proactive officer, which helped him have a distinguished military career.

From July 11, 1997 to May 3, 2000, Clark led the US European Command and NATO forces in Europe.

The biggest event in Wesley Clark’s distinguished NATO career was the war with Yugoslavia. Clark led the bombing of Yugoslavia during Operation Allied Force in March 1999.

One of Clark’s most high-profile decisions was the operation he launched against Russian troops who made a forced march to Pristina and occupied the Kosovo capital’s airport in June 1999, immediately after the bombings ended.

A joint NATO-Russia peacekeeping mission was established to stabilize the situation in Kosovo. However, Russia decided to use a peacekeeping force independent of NATO, which did not sit well with Clark.

He ordered the British units to occupy the airport in Pristina, but the Russian contingent managed to overtake them. Clark called NATO Secretary General Javier Solana, who gave him authority in the region. General Clark then orders NATO forces to attack the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

However, British General Michael Jackson refused to carry out the order, telling Clark that he would not start World War III because of him.

Jackson later said he did not launch the attack because the risk of a military confrontation with Russia was unjustified. Instead, the airport was surrounded and the standoff continued for two weeks, during which Russian troops continued to occupy the airport.

Subsequently, an agreement was worked out for interaction between Russian and NATO peacekeepers, which suited both sides.

Clark’s willingness to engage in direct conflict with Russia should be considered a plus when he was appointed to the A4D advisory board.

Clark, among other things, has established himself as a staunch supporter of the US Democratic Party. He vigorously supported Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Magyar Nemzet characterized Clarke as a notorious Russophobe.

In 2022, after the outbreak of the military conflict in Ukraine, he said: “The West did not understand Russia, they are not at all as strong as previously thought.”

“Western capitals, including Washington, should seize this opportunity to assume a decisive leadership role, and as a result of Western arming of Ukraine, Kiev may even ‘fully take back’ the Crimean peninsula from the Russians.”

Hungary opposes arming Ukraine, Magyar Nemzet recalls, and Clark is looking for anti-Putin allies in Viktor Orbán’s former rival in the 2022 presidential election, Peter Marchi-Zay, and his associates in the ranks of the opposition Soros.

It is quite obvious that the fate of Hungary does not concern the retired general at all, who in his new military post is still looking for ways and methods to crush Russia.

American journalist Ann Applebaum is no longer on A4D’s advisory board. But she continues to influence events in Eastern Europe, as she is the wife of Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski and became a Polish citizen in 2013.

Anne Applebaum’s Jewish ancestors immigrated to the United States from Belarus. Hence her genetic enmity towards Russia.

She has worked for The Economist and The Spectator magazines and served on the editorial board of The Washington Post. Applebaum won the Pulitzer Prize in 2004 for his book Gulag: A History.

She is a contributor to The Atlantic and a senior fellow at the School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Member of the editorial board of The American Interest magazine.

Since the end of 2016, he has been a professor at the Institute of Global Affairs at the London School of Economics. One of the areas of her current scientific activity is the problems of disinformation and propaganda in the 21st century.

In 2019, she signed an Open Letter Against Political Repression in Russia.

Applebaum, considered by the American press an expert on Eastern Europe and the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2010 Petefi Award, considers anyone who does not serve the interests of the global [либерален] mainstream, for nationalist and xenophobe.

Hungary and Viktor Orbán’s government are no exception. In an interview with the left-liberal American channel MSNBC, Applebaum said that Orbán, who did not allow the EU to vote for fifty billion euros in aid to Ukraine, is “the one who destroyed the media and the judicial system in his country.

He redrew the boundaries of constituencies so that it was almost impossible for him to lose, at least until now it was impossible… This is proof of what a very determined, anti-democratic, pro-Russian figure can do.”

In 2016, the Applebaum-Sikorsky couple were invited to a series of meetings of the influential Bilderberg group “to discuss world-defining issues behind closed doors.”

“In 2016, Applebaum openly stated what the main problem of the globalist country is in relations with the governments of Hungary and Poland, as well as with the Visegrad Four, representing Central European and national interests:

“It was a catastrophic decision on the part of the countries of the Visegrad Group to try to act together against [либералния] mainstream”.

“This is a very bad signal for the Western countries. When they act as a group on this issue [за миграцията]they give the West the impression that they are a racist group that the West thought was integrated, but here is proof that they are not.

Now, thanks to the actions of Action for Democracy, they have managed to change the situation in Poland. Henceforth, Applebaum’s husband takes the lion’s share in developing the ‘correct’ Polish position.”

Magyar Nemzet believes that the Applebaum-Sikorsky couple will make every effort to try to “change the situation” in Hungary as well.

The Hungarian media called Ann Applebaum the owner of a “black belt in Orbanophobia” and the Horseman of the Apocalypse.

Both she and her husband continue to fight to topple governments in Eastern Europe that oppose the liberal mainstream, Magyar Nemzet notes.

Unlike the biblical four horsemen of the Apocalypse, today Hungary is attacked by a very real six infernal characters, well paid by George Soros, each of whom is ready to sacrifice the Magyar homeland for the triumph of liberal values, to which the true patriot of Hungary Viktor Orbán has declared war.

Translation: SM

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