In the aftermath of the devastating Maui wildfires, state and county officials in Hawaii are prioritizing the establishment of additional evacuation routes for residents. The Hawaii Department of Transportation (DOT) has initiated plans to create an opening in the sound wall within the Kelawea Mauka neighborhood, which will provide an alternative exit onto the Lahaina Bypass. This measure aims to prevent residents from being trapped during emergencies.
DOT Director Ed Sniffen asserted that this new plan is a direct response to the disaster that struck the community last August. By allowing quick emergency access, the DOT hopes to ensure the safety of residents in critical situations. The goal is to have this additional evacuation route ready for use by May or June of this year.
Sniffen emphasized the importance of providing an emergency option in case of fires or other emergencies. “Because of the fire, when we started looking at the vulnerability of the community, it made perfect sense for us to give another access option in emergency events,” he explained. The DOT also plans to install signs indicating evacuation routes in the area around Lahainaluna High School, located at the top of Lahainaluna Road.
In addition to these measures, the DOT is working on finalizing plans to extend the Lahaina Bypass to Ukumehame. Construction for this extension is set to begin in 2025. Sniffen highlighted the significance of this project, stating that it is a major priority for the department.
Meanwhile, at the county level, council members are discussing strategies to enhance safety in neighborhoods such as Kuhua Camp. More than 40 out of the 100 confirmed fatalities occurred in this former plantation camp, which features narrow and crowded roads. To address this issue, some council members have proposed issuing tickets to drivers who park on these roads. This approach aims to improve traffic flow during emergencies.
Councilwoman Nohelani Uu-Hodgins emphasized the need to prepare for future emergencies and find solutions that do not penalize residents. She suggested exploring alternative options to alleviate parking issues in multigenerational homes, as many residents cannot afford to relocate. “I’d rather prepare for it now, so we don’t have to send police out there to get people in trouble for parking on the road,” Uu-Hodgins stated.
Officials are actively seeking public input to gather ideas and perspectives on improving evacuation routes and emergency preparedness. The collaboration between state and county officials demonstrates a commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of residents in the face of potential disasters.
As the plans for additional evacuation routes and improved traffic management progress, the community of Lahaina can look forward to enhanced safety measures that will better protect them during emergencies. The DOT’s initiative to create an opening in the sound wall, along with the extension of the Lahaina Bypass, will provide crucial alternatives for residents seeking to evacuate quickly. Moreover, the county’s efforts to address parking issues and explore alternative solutions reflect a proactive approach to safeguarding the community.
By implementing these measures and actively involving the public in the decision-making process, state and county officials are taking significant steps towards ensuring the resilience of Maui’s residents in the face of future disasters. Through collective effort and planning, Lahaina is positioning itself as a model for disaster preparedness, setting an example for other communities to follow.