08:41 PM Tuesday 13 February 2024
If you suffer from severe mood swings, all you have to do to improve your mood is eat this type of fruit on a daily basis, according to a recent study conducted by the University of Otago in New Zealand.
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The study showed that kiwi plays a major role in improving mood within a period of only 4 days, according to the “Russia Today” website, quoting the British newspaper “Daily Mail”.
The researchers found that the reason for the improved mood after kiwi is due to its high content of vitamin C, which also helps strengthen the immune system.
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The study researchers reached this result after conducting a nutritional analysis of 155 people for 8 weeks, after forcing a sample of them to eat two kiwi fruits daily, some of them to take vitamin C supplements, and providing a placebo to others.
People who ate kiwi reported an improvement in their mood, feeling energetic, increased physical activity, and their ability to sleep well.
It is worth noting that all study participants suffered from vitamin C deficiency.
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2024-02-13 18:45:16
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