Jon Stewart, the beloved former host of “The Daily Show,” made a fiery return to the show on Monday, delivering a candid assessment of both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Known for his sharp wit and no-holds-barred commentary, Stewart did not hold back in his critique of the two political figures, referring to them as “These fucking guys.”
Stewart began by addressing Biden’s recent press conference, which was intended to reassure the public about his cognitive abilities after being called an “elderly man with a poor memory” by the special counsel. However, instead of dispelling any doubts, the event was marked by a few misspeaks from the president. Stewart humorously remarked, “So Joe Biden had a big press conference to dispel the notion that he may have lost a step ― and, politically speaking, lost three to four steps.”
The comedian then highlighted another missed opportunity for Biden to prove himself by doing a traditional interview after the Super Bowl, where millions of people could see him competently lay out his 2024 agenda. However, Biden declined and released a TikTok video instead, answering short questions about the game and praising chocolate chip cookies. Stewart exclaimed, “Fire everyone. Everyone! How do you go on TikTok and end up looking older?”
While Stewart didn’t hold back in criticizing Biden, he was equally hard on Trump. Over the weekend, Trump found a strange new way to pronounce “Pennsylvania” and warned that “they” will change the state’s name. Stewart expressed his exasperation, asking, “What the fuck are we doing here, people? Biden’s lost a step, but Trump regularly says things at rallies that would warrant a wellness check.”
However, amidst the humor and jabs at both politicians, Stewart took a serious moment to address his audience. He shared a valuable lesson he had learned over the years, emphasizing the importance of actively working towards creating a world that people would prefer to live in. Stewart acknowledged the tireless efforts of thousands of committed, anonymous, and dedicated individuals who work behind closed doors, picking up those who have fallen and grinding on issues until they achieve positive results. He urged his audience to recognize that the work of shaping the world does not end with an election but requires continuous dedication every day.
Stewart concluded his monologue with a touch of optimism, mentioning that someday the sun will run out of hydrogen. The audience responded with cheers, appreciating his blend of humor and thought-provoking insights.
Jon Stewart’s return to “The Daily Show” was a reminder of his unique ability to blend comedy and social commentary. With his candid assessment of Biden and Trump, he sparked laughter and reflection among viewers. As he delivered his message about the importance of active engagement in shaping the world, Stewart reminded us that the work doesn’t end with an election but continues every day. His monologue served as a rallying cry for individuals to stay committed and dedicated to creating a better future.