The first episode of the new show “Outside the Zone: The Arctic Circle” is started by Kristine, who is its host, with a preface in which she reveals that it took years for her to understand why she goes out into nature, and perhaps this is the way she tries to get out of something to leave.
What Kristine is trying to get away from is a question she is still searching for answers to. But as for walking as such, when she started hiking several years ago, Kristine didn’t know that she would like this activity so much.
“The more I went, the more I liked it. I realized that when I go on more difficult hikes, I think about things that are happening to me at that particular moment – where I take a step, how beautiful a branch looks, etc. etc. Then the rain comes, and you think about how not to get wet, how not to fall into a puddle of mud. On more difficult hikes, I have finally emotionally withdrawn from my daily problems and thoughts that are present to most people. At that moment, I am away from it all, I am in nature and I can relax from everything that makes my everyday life intense, not always happy. Then I can be there, in that moment, create a connection, relax and collect my strength,” says Kristīne.
The host of the podcast, Emīls Gatis Liepiņš, asks – doesn’t it become necessary to look for an increasingly difficult level of hiking over time, because life also becomes “harder”? In this regard, Kristine reassures that she is still evaluating the situation, because her goal is not to reach any peak at any cost, but her goal is to feel good.
“Like other people, I also have fear. Everyone has a fear of something, and I, for example, have a fear of heights. I try to learn to overcome them in different ways. (..) It cannot be said that I am running somewhere with my forehead against the wall. I try to use my mind a little, too,” says the podcast guest with a laugh.
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2024-02-13 05:31:53
#Kristine #Garklava #love #nature