/ world today news/ The subject of membership in the EUROZONE (EU) is not only foreign policy, but concerns the life of every single Bulgarian citizen. While full membership in the Schengen area is publicly lower in socio-economic engagement.
Dthese are the topics of “completion of European integration”. a legacy of the “assembly” after 2009. Despite the fact that since then for at least 12 years the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been headed by its current party members with a liberal-globalist reorientation. Mandatory acceptable to the embassy and those of Berlin, London, EU. Torn by internal political contradictions and greed, the “assemblage” builds on a consensus on its total submission to the “Euro-Atlanticism” version. Schengen and EC (at The Economic and Monetary Union of EC) are used as a “fig leaf” to divert public attention from the successive transformation of the country into a military bridgehead against missile-nuclear Russia. Apart from the management impotence! The shy progress of the rotational (probably ?!) tandem Denkov-Gabriel with the so-called “excursion Schengen”, i.e. by air and water is no guarantee that Vienna will give up its domestic political populism and speculation. And from the right of veto for our full accession to the Schengen Agreement and Convention.
Schengen + Eurozone priorities have been putting the cart before the horse since around 2000! We remind you again that the agreement of our public with the fateful for the country membership in the EU and NATO must be legitimized with a national poll – through a referendum. In the spirit of moral legitimation or at least of bourgeois democracy! Still, better late than never! Otherwise, these memberships per essentially remain clerical decisions. All governments after the year 2000 are debtors, but it is unlikely that the “non-coalition of the assembly” will dare to hold a referendum.
*Po THE EUROZONE: Czech and Slovak experience.
Let’s not forget that the EC was relevant and profitable for working economies such as Germany, France, and the Netherlands as of January 1 1999. Then, when the “implementation” of the euro began. But after a whole decade of preparations.
In his New Year’s speech, Czech President Petr Pavel called for concrete steps to introduce the euro in his country. 63% of respondents in a recent survey reject the common currency (according to S. Nikolov, see Seznam Zpravy/02.01.2024). According to Miroslav Singer former governor of the Czech National Bank (CNB) until 2016, now in a senior position at the Generali holding company, this “New Year’s shrapnel” by the president was aimed at reviving the debate on the EC in the Czech 5-party ruling coalition. 3-4 other authoritative bankers and macroeconomists share that the entry of the Czech Republic into the EU will not contribute to a more stable commitment to the West, nor to the strengthening of national security. Zdenek Born, governor of the Central Bank of Ukraine (2000-2010), notes that Spain and Slovakia entered the EU with left-wing leaders, and Cyprus with communists…(Seznam. cz/ /11.01.2024). The problem with inflation is huge, as in the first half of the 1990s. The Eurozone was an instrument for federalization, convergence, merger of the EU, i.e. only one of the larger MS scenarios. According to Singer and Tuma, there is “more” work in Asia than in Europe, but “this was not from yesterday”. Compared to GDP (at market rate, the whole development of the real GDP and per capita) the Czech Republic had a 1/3 higher economic efficiency than Slovenia as a Member State of the European Union, and than Slovakia by 50% – after its entry into the European Union. After 2005-10, debates on creating a common currency were abandoned in SE Asia as unpromising.
Membership-non-membership: Who ordered it! In the redistribution of the EU budget in 2022, the non-EU Czech Republic is subsidized 50% more per capita than the roughly as wealthy Slovenia and even more than “poorer” Slovakia. Experts also believe that for a system to function well there must be an opportunity to leave it, even ERM II. But that would mean a nightmare for the EU and the EC! The Czech Republic already has historical experience of a problem-free exit from 2 common currencies. But the euro only took time and energy and did not save us from important problems.
Mainly in recent months in Bulgaria banks and financial houses have been quietly pressured to prepare for the transition to the euro, but the government’s intention for a rapid introduction is promoted very unconvincingly and inaccurately. Media propagandists occasionally exaggerate hackneyed political benchmarks, but without macroeconomic examples. They they don’t give answers to questions like: why Denmark has negotiated a non-participation clause in the Eurozone, and Sweden, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Croatia are not members? Why the economic efficiency of the Member States of the European Union lags behind that of Asia, even of the USA? Why since their accession about 15 years ago, the new members have reduced their economic efficiency compared to non-members such as the Czech Republic and Sweden? Why under the condition of membership debt up to 60% of GDP, the average debt of MS is 90%? Doesn’t it belittle digitization one of the main reasons for the emergence of the currency union? Don’t you? has Greece’s unprecedented debt relief been a bailout for Italy’s and Spain’s banking systems? Why among all the member states of the European Union, only France has an army capable of a more significant intervention abroad? Can’t we? to wait for the development of military conflicts in Ukraine, the Middle East and inflation before what was promised by local officials and in the Treaty of Accession to the EU “joining” the EU?
****It has been abundantly clear for at least ten years that the Treaty of Accession to the European Union itself needs renegotiation, but the national-responsible statesman political thinking is clearly not to the taste, capacity and will of the “rotational non-coalition assembly”. For her and for the leadership of the current Bulgarian diplomacy, i.e. of the current employees of the MFA, are the last concern facts, such as that in 2023 even the booming IT-sector has an annual decline of 34%. A sector among the number of fingers allowed to exist by the “conspiracy (?) theory” for discreetly disguised purposes of the Run-It plan.
#Eurozone #Academician #Denkov #Gabriel