A new four-part documentary series is coming to Netflix, American conspiracy, ready to tell a true story full of mysteries. This is the so-called “Octopus case” linked to the controversial death of journalist Danny Casolaro found lifeless in a bathtub and declared dead by suicide even though his family never believed this version of events. But let’s go into more detail to find out what the real story of the Octopus case is and who Danny Casolaro was.
American Conspiracy: The Octopus Affair, trailer and release date on Netflix
Who was Danny Casolaro
Danny Casolaro was an American freelance writer and journalist who became internationally famous in 1991 when he was found suddenly dead in the bathtub of a West Virginia hotel. He was in room number 517 of the Sheraton Hotel in Martinsburg when he was found with his wrists slashed between 10 and 12 times. Cuts that led to his death and, according to the medical examiner, it was undoubtedly a suicide. A statement which, however, never completely convinced Danny’s family nor those who knew him well. Why? Danny was working on a very unusual investigation at the time and, according to his notes, he was in Martinsburg at the time to meet with a source who would give him important answers about the so-called “Octopus Affair” on which he worked. .
What is the Octopus case
The Octopus case that Danny Casolaro was investigating was linked to several controversial facts about which Casolaro wanted to get the truth out, even if it embarrassed the United States. What were these facts? Several of them include a hidden organization linked to stolen government spy software, a series of unsolved murders, and some of the biggest political scandals of the 20th century. Danny was investigating the so-called “Inslaw Affair” involving a software company whose owner accused the Justice Department of stealing his work product, the “October Surprise” plot of 1980. , according to which at the time of the affair During the US presidential elections, Iran deliberately delayed the release of 52 American hostages to help Ronald Reagan win the presidential elections. He was investigating the collapse of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, one of the largest private banks in the world, closed in 1991 after the FBI raided the bank, causing it to collapse in 1987 and ultimately wanted to reveal the truth about “Irangate”. “, that is, a political scandal, during the two-year period 1985-1986, in which the administration of US President Ronald Reagan was accused of illegal arms trafficking with Iran, where there was an embargo.
Danny Casolaro’s family has always believed and maintained that Danny was murdered. According to his brother’s statements, it appears that Danny received, before his death, numerous harassing phone calls late at night as well as several threats. Additionally, Danny was afraid to even take blood tests, so, according to the family, there was no way he would have deliberately decided to cut his wrists, even repeatedly.
Despite the investigation, no evidence of murder was ever found.
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2024-02-10 23:42:23
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