Jakarta –
Presidential candidate number 1, Anies Baswedanadmitted that he heard many questions about supporters who had difficulty getting tickets to take part in the big campaign at the Jakarta International Stadium (HE) on Saturday (10/2). He asked supporters to keep coming.
“What if you don’t have a ticket? The answer is simple, keep coming, keep supporting the movement for change, keep being present at JIS, keep fulfilling JIS inside and outside in all JIS areas,” said Anies in a post on his Instagram, @aniesbaswedan, Thursday ( 8/2/2024).
He then gave an explanation about the tickets released on the site. Anies emphasized that ticket ownership does not determine whether or not he can take part in the big Anies-Cak Imin (AMIN) campaign at JIS.
He also reminded those who already have tickets, to come early. Because parties who arrive early can occupy the seats that have been reserved.
“The tickets that were released earlier were only used on the website for crowd management, to measure interest, to provide an opportunity to find a seat early, but are not a sign of whether or not you can join the event. So even those without tickets can join,” he said.
“And if you don’t use your ticket until 06.30, the seat is empty and anyone can occupy the empty key. So if you have a ticket but don’t come early, then the existing seat will be occupied by someone else,” he added.
Anies again reminded supporters not to buy tickets. He said that during the big campaign there would be many activities inside and outside JIS that could be participated in.
“So don’t let us hear that anyone wants to buy tickets, no need! No need to buy tickets, just come and there is still plenty of space. So there are still lots of areas to take part in this event both inside and outside the stadium. There will be lots of activities, “There are many vehicles for conveying aspirations for change outside the stadium, inside and outside, and we can follow what is happening from the surrounding area,” he said.
Read the full news on the next page.
2024-02-08 04:57:21
#Anies #Supporters #JIS #Tickets