Some have separate accounts, others have a joint account and others have both. Depending on your life situation, you should definitely think about having an emergency fund. There is generally no flat rate for this.
Emergency fund: Couples should ask themselves three questions
To find out how large your emergency fund should be, you should ask yourself the following questions:
For example, if you live in a shared apartment and pay rent, you can set the amount of the rent as a financial reserve. In any case, it is important that you can pay the rent for a few months in an emergency.
If you already have your own emergency fund, the shared reserves do not have to be that high. If you only have a joint account and no personal reserves, your emergency fund should be slightly higher.
The original for this article “This is how much money couples should put aside” comes from glomex.
2024-02-07 15:42:36
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