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Breast Cancer: Early Detection and Treatment Tips for Women

breast cancer Leading cause of death for women around the world And it is number 1 in Thai women because it is a cancer that has no warning signs. Therefore, breast cancer screening should be done once a year by doing a mammogram with ultrasound along with a physical examination by a specialist doctor. This makes it possible to detect breast cancer at an early stage. Increase the chance of curing the disease.

Who should be screened for breast cancer?

  • Have a direct relative with breast cancer
  • A first-degree relative has a positive BRCA1 BRCA2 genetic test.
  • Have you ever received radiation therapy to your chest area?

“Breast Cancer”: How to behave when you know you are sick Know quickly and you can heal.

Look-feel-press! Check yourself for “breast cancer” and know how to reduce the severity of the disease.

  • Receive hormone medication regularly
  • Have had breast cancer before
  • Have you ever had a lump of some kind? that have been checked to be at risk

Breast cancer screening should begin at age 35-40 if you have the following risk factors: You should start getting checked at the age of 25-30 years.

Warning signs of breast cancer

  • A lump is found in the breast or armpit area.
  • The size, shape, shape, or texture of the breast has changed.
  • Dimples or pulling of the breast/nipple
  • Red, swollen rash, thick like an orange peel, around the nipple and areola.
  • There is water or fluid coming out of the nipple. without being during breastfeeding
  • Itching around the nipples that cannot be cured even with treatment May become hard flakes

However, such symptoms can occur for many reasons. They should be examined to make sure it is not a symptom of breast cancer.

Mammogram with Ultrasound results

The interpretation of examination results uses the BIRADS (Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System) score system, which evaluates abnormalities from X-ray images. Then rate according to severity. and the chance of getting cancer as follows

  • BIRADS 0 The obtained X-ray images cannot be interpreted. The picture is unclear or insufficient. or incomplete examination as suspected, it is recommended to repeat the examination or additional examination.
  • BIRADS 1 The test results found no abnormalities. It is recommended to continue annual examinations.
  • BIRADS 2 Found abnormalities that were not cancer such as cysts and round tartar that did not clump together. Tumors that have been monitored 2-3 times have not changed. Annual follow-up is recommended.
  • BIRADS 3 Detect new abnormalities, new lumps, tartar, and turbid cysts. Milk ducts expand But there are still no characteristics that indicate cancer. This group has a risk of getting cancer of about 2%. It is recommended to have a follow-up examination every 6 months.
  • BIRADS 4 detects abnormalities that have the potential to be cancerous. It will be divided into 3 subgroups.
    • BIRADS 4A has a 2-10% chance of causing cancer.
    • BIRADS 4B has a 10-30% chance of being cancerous.
    • BIRADS 4C has a 30-95% chance of being cancerous.

This group begins to have a higher chance of getting cancer. The doctor will recommend a biopsy to be sent for examination.

  • BIRADS 5 means an abnormality detected with a higher than 95% chance of being cancer requires a biopsy. to plan treatment
  • BIRADS 6 means there is a pathological examination confirming cancer. Check to plan additional treatment. or the original picture is not clear enough

Breast cancer biopsy

  • Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy FNA (Puncture of the lump with a small needle)

The test has lower accuracy and sensitivity than other tests. Because it is a cell examination The drilling may not result in cells being drilled. or the examination of cells is quite difficult But it’s easy to do, and the cost is lower than other methods, so it’s often used in conjunction with a mammogram and ultrasound. The results must be interpreted in the same way. You may also need to confirm. With another test if the results do not go the same way

  • Core needle biopsy (Puncture of the lump with a biopsy needle)

Biopsy to detect cancer With a biopsy needle, for greater accuracy and safety, it is often used in conjunction with ultrasound. The examination will include a piece of tissue for examination.

A puncture uses a large needle to take a biopsy. connected to a vacuum cleaner This allows for larger pieces of tissue than core needle biopsy and for greater accuracy and safety. Often used in conjunction with ultrasound. In addition, it has been developed to be able to cut entire blocks. The wound is smaller and less painful than open surgery.

Genetic Testing delves deep into DNA to prevent cancer from spreading.

breast cancer stage

  • Distance 0 Non-invasive cancer The cancer is in the milk duct and has not spread outside the milk duct.
  • Phase 1 Early stage breast cancer smaller than 2 cm and has not spread to lymph nodes in the armpit.
  • Phase 2 Cancer measures 2-5 cm and/or has spread to lymph nodes on the same side of the armpit.
  • Phase 3 Cancer larger than 5 cm has spread to the lymph nodes on the same side of the armpit so much that it is firmly attached to nearby organs.
  • Phase 4 end stage cancer Cancer of any size But it has spread to other organs such as the lungs, liver, bones, brain, etc.

Breast cancer, if detected in the early stages, has a high chance of cure. If treated properly and recurrence is prevented, There must be a joint treatment plan between the doctor and the patient.

breast cancer treatment

  • Breast surgery It is the main treatment for early stage breast cancer. Able to control disease well And a biopsy was sent for examination to know the true stage of the disease. This allows for a more accurate and appropriate treatment plan. The surgery will consist of a mastectomy and axillary lymph node surgery.
    • Total mastectomy (total mastectomy) That is, surgery to remove the entire breast. Includes the skin over the lump and nipple. This selection is often considered in cases where the lump is large, the breast is small, and there are multiple locations. or there are limitations and cannot be irradiated after surgery
    • Breast conserving surgery is the removal of the cancer and normal breast tissue surrounding the cancer. Most of the breast tissue and nipple are still left. The shape of the breast is still preserved. And most patients must receive radiation therapy as well. which gives treatment results as good as total mastectomy surgery
  • Radiation therapy (Radiation therapy) The use of high-energy radiation to radiate the cancerous area to destroy and stop the growth of cancer cells. Almost every breast cancer treatment with breast conservation surgery requires radiation therapy. Generally there will be 16-21 screenings, 5 days a week, 2 days off to allow the body to rest and repair damaged cells.
  • Chemo therapy It is a drug that has the ability to destroy or inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Works throughout the body It’s different from surgery that only gives local results. Receiving chemotherapy increases your chance of being cured and living longer.
  • Hormonal therapy Used in patients with breast cancer that is hormone receptor positive (ER/PR +ve) to make cancer cells that may remain in the body lack hormones that stimulate their growth. Reduces the chance of recurrence and reduces the chance of cancer of the other breast. However, antihormonal drugs affect the uterus and ovaries. You should undergo an annual internal examination by a gynecologist.
  • Targeted therapy It is a cancer treatment that acts specifically on cancer cells. It acts to inhibit the growth and division of cancer cells.
  • Immunotherapy (Immunotherapy) It is a drug used to treat cancer by using the immune system. Increases the function of white blood cells to eliminate cancer cells.

If you survey yourself and find such abnormalities It is recommended to see a doctor for further diagnosis.

Thank you for information from: Samitivej Hospital

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2024-02-07 02:20:00

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