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Recognizing and Preventing Credit Carding: Types of Credit Card Fraud and How to Stay Safe

Credit Carding/Pixabay

SERAYUNEWS – Credit carding is something serious that you can anticipate and recognize because it is very detrimental. In this digital era, crime can come from all directions.

To avoid the dangers of credit carding, there are several tips that you should pay attention to. Get to know it so you can always be alert.

You have to be very careful because this crime has various types that might happen to us. So, pay close attention to the following article.

Types of Credit Carding

1. Misuse of Card Data

First, there is misuse of card data. So, the person who chooses the credit card does not realize that someone else is using their credit card data. So, at the end of the term a fictitious bill will appear.

2. Wiretapping

Then, wiretapping, which means tapping our credit card data via a communications network. This is also very dangerous because we can experience large losses.

3. Counterfeiting

Then, counterfeiting which is credit card fraud. So, someone could duplicate our credit card in such a similar way, that they could make a transaction and cause a loss.

4. Phishing

Many people are familiar with this term, because there are many victims. Phishing perpetrators usually share viruses via the web or even chat applications.

By knowing several types of crimes, you can be more careful in your actions.

So, to prevent this, here we will explain some tips.

How to Prevent Credit Carding

1. Make sure that when you pay credit or debit the officer only swipes your card once.

2. Keep your card confidential, don’t share your CVV card number information with other people.

3. Use a trusted and safe site, so that your data can be safe without any data leaks.

4. Don’t access anything sensitive using public WiFi, because your data can be taken.

So, that’s information about credit carding, a crime that could be stalking you. Stay alert and careful.*** (Umi Uswatun Hasanah)

2024-02-03 11:25:00
#Credit #Carding #Anticipation #Alert

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