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100,000 People Expected to Attend Large Demonstration Against the Right in Berlin on February 3rd: All You Need to Know

100,000 people will be on Saturday, February 3rd, for the large demonstration against the right in Berlin expected. Under the motto “We are the firewall,” the “Hand in Hand” network is calling for a human chain around the Bundestag. More than 1,300 organizations have signed the call.

Whether music program and list of speakers, rally location or alternative areas – you can find it here all information about the demonstration.

Key data on the “We are the firewall” rally

  • When? Saturday (February 3rd), from 1 p.m
  • Wo? Meadow in front of the Bundestag

Rally location: Where will the demonstration take place?

The rally is supposed to take place Start at 1 p.m. on the Bundestag meadow. 100,000 people are registered. If there is a large crowd, the Berlin police will be next to the original event area during the day Open alternative areassaid a spokeswoman to Tagesspiegel. These are:

  • The green area south of the Chancellery;
  • The park in the Spreebogen;
  • June 17th Street between March 18th Square and Yitzhak Rabin Street;
  • Washingtonplatz at the main train station
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    To control the crowd, the police can use individuals Close access points such as bridges or subway stops. During the last major demonstration on the Reichstagswiese on January 21st, the U5 Bundestag stop was closed. This was also possible this Saturday, said the police spokeswoman.

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    It is important that Follow instructions from security forces, the spokeswoman continued. This is the only way to keep escape and rescue routes clear.

    Demo program: What speeches and music acts are planned?

    The rally will be with a Speech by journalist Anna Dushime and activist Tareq Alaows opened. Afterwards there will be a packed program with speeches and musical contributions.

    The preliminary program on February 3, 2024

    1-2 p.m

    • Sultana Sadiqi and Lena Grundmann in conversation
    • Axel Grafmanns and Miriam Tödter in conversation
    • Düzen Tekkal, author and television journalist
    • Stephan Anpalagan, journalist and columnist
    • Patoni Teichmann, activist
    • Laura Gelhaar, inclusion activist

    2-3 p.m

    • Jeanette Gusko, Correctiv
    • Elena Koutidou, New German Media Makers
    • Martin Kaul, Reporters Without Borders
    • Fatuma Musa Afrah, Activist
    • Rieke van Kleef, cultural worker and organizer

    3-4 p.m

    • Jakob Springfeld, activist and author
    • Young people without borders
    • Grandmas against the right
    • Newroz Duman, Initiative February 19
    • Cornelia Kerth or Florian Gutsche, VVN BDA
    • Katja Karger, Chairwoman of the DGB Berlin-Brandenburg
    • Christoph Bautz, camp act

    There are music contributions from, among others:

    • Deichkind
    • You are Chuba
    • Sales

    Alliance “Hand in Hand”: Who are the organizers?

    “A human chain around the Bundestag should be symbolic firewall defending democracy from the shift to the right“, said Tareq Alaows, who is involved in the network for Pro Asyl, to the Tagesspiegel.

    The alliance wants to oppose hatred and agitation in order to “stop watching the right-wing normalization in Germany and Europe.” The network writes this in a press statement.

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    “Hand in Hand” was founded last year to “call on civil society on the occasion of the local, European and state elections this year to advocate for democracy and human rights“.

    Who supports the large Berlin demonstration on February 3rd, 2024?

    More than 1,300 associations and NGOs support the call. In addition to numerous small initiatives, there are also large organizations such as trade unions Verdi, GEW and IG Metall, Amnesty International, Attac, BUND, Caritas, the Evangelical Church, refugee aid organizations and also the climate protest groups Extinction Rebellion and Last generation.

    A complete list of signatories can be found on the alliance’s website.

    “The protests of the past few weeks have shown: civil society is the one Firewall against the racist and anti-democratic plans of right-wing extremists“, explains Alaows.

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    “We defend democracy against right-wing ideologies and populism.” The alliance demands a clear commitment from all democratic parties to the AfD: “There must not and will be no cooperation with the AfD, anywhere and never,” Alaows continued.

    Protests against the right across Germany

    Over the past two weekends there were events in many German cities Hundreds of thousands of people for democracy and against right-wing extremism demonstrated. In Berlin, according to the police, there were more than 100,000 demonstrators who gathered in the government district on January 21st.

    more on the subject

    Black lives in Germany “I am not seen as a human being here” The power of defiance Does the AfD benefit when people demonstrate against them? Dates for nationwide demos against the right-wing protest against the AfD will take place here at the weekend

    The reason for the latest protests were the revelations by the Correctiv research center about a meeting of right-wing extremists on November 25th, which was attended by AfD politicians as well as individual members of the CDU and the very conservative Values ​​Union in Potsdam. The slogan “remigration” was about the expulsion of millions of people with a migration background. (with dpa)

    2024-02-01 17:08:06
    #Human #chain #Berlin #Reichstag #demo #starts #Saturday #performing

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