The last month of winter is defined by an important event that informs us about the arrival of spring. According to the prediction, if the weather is sunny on the second day of February, the bear coming out of the den will see its shadow and get scared, then instead hide back in its cave, so we can expect a long winter. Otherwise, i.e. in case of gloomy, overcast weather, the bear stays outside, and all this indicates the rapid arrival of spring.
In the Catholic community, February 2nd is the feast of Our Lady of Candlemas, and according to folk beliefs, if the weather is good on this day, then spring still has a long way to go. As the saying goes, “rather the wolf howls at the window than the sun shines”.
The significant day is celebrated every year in our country as well, paying a lot of attention to the prediction of the teddy bear. Apropos of this, many schools and kindergartens hold thematic days, introducing the children to the essence of the day. In Dunaújváros, the Magda Szabó BIROK Member Institute welcomes students with bear-themed programs on the Teddy Bear Day, to be held on Friday, February 2. Among other things, children can participate in a cake fair, a dance hall, gingerbread baking and a presentation about the life of bees. In addition, everything will be about bears in the Children’s Library of the József Attila Library, because on Friday, February 9, children and adults will be treated to a teddy bear mask, bracelet and puppet making and teddy bear exhibition from 3:00 p.m., and a teddy bear slide show from 4:30 p.m.