On February 9th, the SPÖ women’s chairwoman of the Urfahr-Raum district, Beverley Allen-Stingeder, is calling for a demonstration “against right-wing extremism and racism” in Linz with her private initiative “Rote Brille”. A week earlier, on February 3rd, the “Linz Against Right” alliance will protest against the annual Burschenbundball.
“Fridays for Future”, “YesWeCare”, “Solidarwerkstatt” and “Jabali – Young Black Generation” are organizing the march on February 9th through downtown Linz. It is a civil society project, as it was said beforehand. According to the police, “300 participants registered.” It starts at 5 p.m. in front of the music theater, the final rally is planned for 6 p.m. on the main square.
3,000 people registered
The “Linz Against the Right” alliance – consisting of around 35 organizations, many of them with a red, green or trade union background – has been organizing the rally against the “right-wing extremist boys’ union ball” in the Palais Kaufmännischer Verein for ten years. They want a “democratic, open and free society, without old-fashioned, right-wing extremist ideas”. The demonstration with 3,000 people registered with the police starts at 5:30 p.m. at AEC Square and ends with a final rally in front of the exclusion zone at the Palais. In mid-January, the alliance had already expressed its protest in front of the ÖVP state party headquarters, the Heinrich-Gleißner-Haus, against the renewed protection of Upper Austria’s governor Thomas Stelzer for the ball.
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2024-01-31 10:21:27
#participants #expected #demonstration #rightwing #extremism #Linz