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Norway Appeals Oslo District Court’s Ruling on Petroleum Fields Development Plan

The state is appealing the Oslo District Court’s judgment and ruling in the case regarding the validity of the decisions on approval of the plan for development and operation (PUD) for the three petroleum fields Breidablikk, Tyrving and Yggdrasil, reports the Ministry of Energy in a press release.

The Oslo District Court supported Greenpeace Norden and Natur og Ungdom in their claim that the permits that have been granted are invalid as a result of procedural errors. The court also made an order for a temporary injunction. After the ministry and the Government Attorney have gone through the judgment together, the conclusion is that the judgment and ruling will be appealed.

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– We disagree with the district court that a procedural error has been made in these three cases. We believe that the proceedings have been in line with the regulations and the Supreme Court’s judgment from 2020. The state has followed up the Supreme Court’s judgment, and we now also assess combustion emissions when processing each individual development plan. We disagree with the judgment and ruling on temporary injunction, and have therefore decided to appeal, says Energy Minister Terje Aasland.

– The judgment from the Oslo district court is about the case management process related to new development projects, not whether or not we should have oil and gas production on the Norwegian continental shelf. We shall still have that. The government will further develop, not liquidate, the petroleum sector, says Aasland.

Changes the proceedings

According to the ministry, it has been decided independently of the appeal question to make adjustments in the case management process around combustion emissions. This is done to give the public the opportunity to comment on this side of the projects as well and to create the necessary predictability for the industry.

– Irrespective of the legal issues in this case, I believe it is important to create the widest possible trust in the proceedings that are carried out in the ministry. I am concerned that we should have good, inclusive processes also around assessments of combustion emissions. I have therefore initiated a process in the ministry to look at how we can adjust the proceedings around combustion emissions. I will return to the details as soon as we have concluded, says Aasland.

2024-01-31 10:29:17

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